Thy Will Be Done

Trick by Alexander Marsh
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Thy Will Be Done

25.00 usd

Trick by Alexander Marsh (25.00)

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Thy Will Be Done - magic
Thy Will Be Done Thy Will Be Done Thy Will Be Done Thy Will Be Done Thy Will Be Done

A powerful feat of mentalism you can carry in your wallet.

Brought to you by Alexander Marsh and The 1914, "Thy Will Be Done" is an unexplainable and mind-boggling prophecy derived solely from the esoteric imagery on a SINGULAR tarot card.

While NO prior tarot knowledge is required, the framework of the effect also allows for seasoned tarot card readers to infuse their own distinct style. It's the perfect routine for both magicians and mentalists alike. It can serve as a stellar stand-alone effect or as an impossible ending to a larger demonstration of tarot mysteries.

You place a single tarot card face down on the table while explaining how it is going to mirror the choices your participant is about to make. The participant sets the watch to a RANDOM, unseen time and places it face down on the table alongside the pen and the coin.

While your eyes are CLOSED AND COVERED, the participant is invited to change the positions of all three objects until one is being held by the participant, one is being held by yourself and the remaining object is left on the table.

These decisions feel truly FREE and FAIR.

Upon opening your eyes, you turn over the card that's been in view from the beginning to reveal the traditional "Magician" tarot card with an artistic twist. The imagery correctly predicts the position of ALL three objects.

As the ultimate impossible kicker, you then draw everyone's attention to the watch on the tarot card and show how the clock face depicts the EXACT time they set the watch to at the beginning of the routine.

"Thy Will Be Done" comes with TWO high-quality tarot cards that have professionally and meticulously illustrated by esteemed playing card designer Destino. One is a traditional sized tarot card that can be integrated into your existing tarot deck and the other is a smaller poker-size card that you can carry with you in your wallet everywhere you go.

In the 35-minute online instructional video, Alexander walks you through all the necessary details of the routine and the card itself. It is a masterclass is all the nuances and subtleties that help turn "Thy Will Be Done" into a reputation maker.


Customer reviews for Thy Will Be Done



"Thy Will Be Done" is a highly recommended mentalism trick for those who love mind-bending illusions. This trick is simple yet powerful and is sure to amaze both lay audiences and professional magicians alike. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, making it a breeze to perform. Overall, this trick is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of mentalism (and tarot) to their magic performance.



Nice trick. Was concerned about getting a watch that would work, but discivered that 4 of the 5 watches (just regular day/date ones) work just fine.

The handling is straightforward and very deceptive. And there are a few more "reveal" easter eggs included in the video.

I love having both the full size tarot card and the poker size cards that I carry in my wallet. Since it uses only a coin, a pen and a watch, it is ready to go anywhere and anytime.

Well worth the money and very happy with the product.



Alexander Marsh is one of the best mentalists out there when it comes to breathing new life into an existing plot. He did it with The Princess Card Trick (Forgotten Princess) and now he’s done it with Free Will. This is the best update on the latter since Steve Dela’s Will to Read. The props are excellent quality, as you’d expect from The 1914. My only complaint is the image you use for the reveal on the tarot card. Twice now I’ve had spectators really struggling to see/find what they’re supposed to be looking for because, well, the things displayed don’t exactly clearly look like what they’re supposed to. When you show them they can look sceptical because of this. This can take the wind out of your sails slightly when performing (there’s even a bit of a hint of this in the trailer). It’s a minor quibble given the excellent overall routine and product. The tutorial is great too. Alexander is rapidly becoming one of the finest teachers we have in mentalism. I highly recommend his other stuff, particularly the billet masterclass available on his website.



I like the idea but the card graphics let it down, the packaging design is 100% better than the tarot card enclosed , performed this 4 times now and each time I’ve a lot of questions especially around the (mirror image of your self) remark as they ask why are they the magician when I’m the one performing, the pen looks like a knife and the coin looks like a small arcade token, the back of the card has more detail than the front.
I will persist with this for a while but I think it will end up on the shelf.


Community questions about Thy Will Be Done

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  • Alvaro asks: Do you need a gimmick watch? or this can be done with a modern digital watch?

    • 1. Christopher answers: It’s not a special watch but it must be a watch that also has the date. Digital will not work.
    • 2. Nigel answers: Correction: Apologies I misread what Chris said. He's correct about the date feature on a an analogue watch.
    • 3. Alvaro answers: with digital I mean smartwatch.
    • 4. Nigel answers: Not a date it's a time force, any watch that can do a that style of force. I'm not aware of that being done with smartwatches but if you can do it, you can do it. Alternatively you could just do it without the time reveal kicker, but it is the climax of the standard routine.
    • 5. Bill answers: I too thought I would have to get a new watch. And I really wanted to justify buying a Bleuther watch, but the truth is, I already own 5 just regular watches and after checking them out, 4 OF THEM WORK FOR THE THIS TRICK! You don't need an expensive trick watch or even a smart watch. Chances are, if you already have a watch with a day or date window on it, it will work just fine.
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  • Reshmi asks: Will the time always change, when the spectator chooses it? Or do we do a kind of force?

    • 1. Scott answers: I don’t have this but based on the preview it is more of the later than the former.
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  • Michael asks: Does online video mean it's streaming and can't be downloaded and saved to your computer?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Streaming.
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