Watch This

Trick by Rex
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Watch This

89.95 usd

Trick by Rex (89.95)

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Watch This - magic
Watch This Watch This Watch This Watch This Watch This Watch This Watch This

We see a lot of magic….A LOT OF MAGIC. But, few tricks shock us in ways like Watch This. When we first started seeing this mind-boggling transformation circulating on TikTok, Instagram and Omegle—we were blown away. And now, we are thrilled to share it with you. At it’s core, the effect is quite straightforward. A playing card visually transforms into a watch. This seems simple in writing. But, once you watch the demo video, you will see how unbelievably powerful it is.

Watch This is SUPER easy to do. In fact, if you are like us and love clever methods, you’ll think the gimmick is as cool as the effect itself.

You’re probably thinking though: “This looks great, but would never work in real life.”

But, that’s not the case at all. Watch This actually has surprisingly good angles and you’ll learn multiple clean-ups that enable you to end the effect by placing the watch right onto your wrist. That’s right, there’s nothing to hide.

You’ll receive the high-quality watch and everything needed to start performing right away. But, since each one is handmade, there is an EXTREMELY limited supply. So, if you don’t want to miss out, you’ll need to act fast!

Instructions are in Korean with English subtitles


Customer reviews for Watch This



This is easily one of the best gimmicks you can get on this site, with a super in depth, elegant, and well said tutorial on how to perform everything including clean up which a lot of other gimmicks don't get into. The watch itself is pretty clean and the gimmick is extremely well made. Could be done both in person, and online which is amazing, and as an instagram / online magician for the most part, I love this.



If you're a collector of gimmicks and are just curious about this, it's probably not for you. There's no space-aged or crazy gimmick-- it's more similar to old-fashioned stage manipulation gimmicks -- arts/crafts that look amazing with the right angles, lighting, etc.
That said, if you're looking for something to do on instragram (vomit), this would be perfect for you. It's easy to do and the angle limitations are not a concern on social medial. If you're a serious magician and think this effect has a place in your act, I also highly recommend it. Not great for close-up, but perfect for parlor or zoom shows. The best part is, it is very easily customizable. with a bit of DIY, you can customize it to a different watch, which I think is key, as the watch that comes with it looks and is pretty crappy (some limitations on type of watch but many will work-- you could even do it with a rolex), and/or a different card (can even do a card face forward, which I prefer). You can also make up multiple gimmicks with different watches or cards - If you're even the slightest bit handy, you can buy and make everything you need. You might this this is a bit pricey for something that you can make on your own, but it is actually well worth the price. It's a simple but extremely clever gimmick. If you have a place for this in your act or show, I absolutely recommend it.



It is amazing! You just have lo practice the special move. It is angle sensitive, so be careful. I recommend this one for social media. If you do it live, watch your angles!


Community questions about Watch This

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Jason asks: Is this a real working watch, that I can wear?

    • 1. John answers: The watch is a magic gimmick and does not work as a time keeping wrist watch.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Craig asks: Do you sell an ungimmicked watch.

    • 1. Dr. Klaus answers: No, but the supplied watch could be handled out for examination at the end of the routine.
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  • Kam asks: Skill rating for someone with small hands, is it ready to go.

    • 1. Jim answers: Hand size should not matter unless you have tiny hands. For skill—that is always a subjective question. It depends on your skill level and your amount of experience. If you study the gimmick and practice with it, it will be within your difficulty level. If you don't study and don't practice, then the will be outside of your difficulty level.
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  • Kam asks: Do you need long sleeves

    • 1. Jim answers: No.
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  • Austin asks: Do you need to ditch anything, and if so, do you need long sleeves?

    • 1. Bruce answers: Depending on how you want to perform it, the answer is maybe. No on the sleeves.
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  • Keith asks: Could this be performed with a bill rather than a card for a 'Time is Money' effect?

    • 1. Jim answers: Possibly—but you would have to figure out the details for yourself.
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  • Keith asks: One last question. As far as the gimmick is concerned, would it be possible to show the face of the card rather than the back?

    • 1. Jim answers: If you don't mind some DIY work, yes, it would be possible.
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  • Nicholas asks: I understand it is not a functional timepiece, but, can one change the "time" shown, to reveal a time prediction?

    • 1. Jim answers: No.
    • 2. Jason answers: Actually yes, you can change the can pull out the little knob and spin it to whatever time you want.
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  • Josh asks: How close can you perform this to a spectator, what are the angles, and how fast of reset?

    • 1. Jim answers: A few feet. You want the audience in front. About 30 seconds.
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  • Timothy asks: Is this a gimmick that will last forever? A lot of these visual eye candy effects have props that are very fragile and I’d like something that I could comfortably use for a long time. Thoughts on the quality and longevity would be appreciated.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is well made so it will last a while, but because of the moving parts it will not last a lifetime.
  • Tony asks: Can it be done in a quiet room, Does it make much noise.

    • 1. Jason answers: It does make a little sound... I don't recommend complete silence... you can snap your fingers on your other hand, or have say something as the switch happens...
    • 2. James answers: Yes. Nothing to speak of.
    • 3. Rick answers: Yes appearing watches make some noises :) But I think the audiences associate it with the watch kind of jingling in your hand. That's my inner monologue and I'm sticking with it :)
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  • Mitch asks: Does this come in blue back or only red? Can you change the color of the gimmick?

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    • Tony asks: Once its worn out can you buy an additional gimmick or do you need to buy the whole trick again.

      • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: I'm afraid that you need to buy the whole trick again
      Post an answer to this question
    • Sam asks: Would this be easy to do for a beginner.

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes! The gimmick takes care of the hard work
    • Joe asks: Can you let them hold the watch for a second and is it possible to use a "borrowed" deck at all?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You learn how to steal the gimmick away so the watch ends clean. With a little sneaky creativity and a tricky deck switch, you might be able to use a borrowed deck, but it's probably not the best way to use this.
    • Joe asks: Do you sell the "other companion" watch to go along with this?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: At this time, we're only selling the main Watch This gimmicked watch.
    • Charles asks: I don't have a question, just wanted to leave a review for those thinking about buying. I have been a closeup magician and creator of tricks for over 40 years, in my opinion, this is an exquisite trick for your arsenal. A beautiful effect that seems to be well made. I just received mine a few days ago. Works like a charm. The instructional video is on point. Kudos to the creator for such an elegant presentation. Well worth the money.

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Please use the review section for reviews.
    • Craig asks: It is possible to substitute a different watch with some DIY effort?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes you could, it might not work with the watch you want it to but it is possible to use a different watch.
    • Ken asks: I need a watch with a metal/stainless steel tone band. I want to easily be able to hide a quarter under it. Can put this watch on after producing it so that I can later ditch a quarter under it? Will the color tone roughly match the quarter?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You'll learn a clean-up that teaches you how to make it so you end clean and can wear the watch in the end. It should be able to hide a quarter as well.
    • Alejandro asks: The video shows a working watch and yet in between other queries someone asked if the watunctional one, with a response saying no. So, does it works or not? In other words, is this a fully functional watch?

      • 1. Richard answers: It is not functional. Sorry! That said, it does tell the correct time twice a day!
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