The Vault - They Both Go Across

Magic download (video) by David Roth

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The Vault - They Both Go Across

5.00 usd

Magic download (video) by David Roth (5.00)

An Audible Visual Masterpiece!

Two coins are placed into your left hand. Your audience not only sees the coins but hears the coins in that hand... instantly they vanish, and your hand is shown unmistakably empty. Like déjà vu, the coins are both shown to be in your other hand, as if what you just saw never even happened. Master coin magician, David Roth, walks you through every nuance of this wonderful, quick and visual effect.

Download it today!


Customer reviews for The Vault - They Both Go Across



Watching this gives perspective as to why David Roth was the gold standard for coin magicians. He makes this simple routine look very convincing and every move is flawless. Interesting use of both visual and audio manupulations. Like many of these kinds of illusion it is easy to learn at all and will take time to learn well.





VI Monthly


David Roth. Need I say more?


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