Caleb Wiles Live Lecture

Live lecture by Caleb Wiles

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Caleb Wiles Live Lecture

7.95 usd

Live lecture by Caleb Wiles (7.95)

Caleb Wiles: Caleb is an author, creator, a columnist for Genii and an all-around nice guy! His lecture is full of incredible close-up routines that are designed for the real world! Every effect has been highly acclaimed by some of THE most important critics in magic - REAL LIVE AUDIENCES. But that's not to say that YOU won't be excited about his material. His marketed effects, including High Spots, Six Pack and Rematch have received rave reviews from magicians all over the world.

So take a look at what Caleb plans to bring to you:

Armchair Mind Reading - This simple effect has fooled some of the best card guys in the world. It looks like real mind reading!

Reswindled - This is a version of Re-set that even the Paul Harris says is THE best version EVER!

Clue - An easy to do effect where 'Clue cards' reveal the identity of the spectator's selection. But that is only the beginning! This uses an underutilized principle that most magicians have never seen before!

Make A Wish - A practical, birthday-themed card effect that is easy enough for the beginner but strong enough for the working pro.

Replicator - A topical presentation Hamman's Signed Card plot with a kicker ending that absolutely KILLS laymen!

Spin the Wheel and Make the Deal! - A "Deal or No Deal" themed card trick with an absolutely impossible ending. Laymen go nuts!

NOTE: Due to the nature of live events, the trick list may change.


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  • Jay asks: I purchased this to learn Caleb's Crystal Cut control. But I can't find the explanation on the DVD. Which trick explanation is it a part of? Great product, love the effects. But I feel really stupid that I can't find where the Crystal Cut control is on the DVD. HELP please.

    • 1. Elton answers: This might be a great question to ask directly of Caleb:
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