Hello MagicGeek fans!

Bad news — the MagicGeeks have moved on to bigger and more geekier things. That means that the store is no more.

Perhaps the product that you are looking for can be found below? If not, try searching using the box above.

Surfaced DVD DVD
Surfaced DVD
DVD by Chad Nelson - 40.00

This is a tough move to learn but the effort is well worth it. This is one move with an unbelievable number of posibilities. Imagine If You...

Avenue DVD DVD
Avenue DVD
DVD by Dorian Rhodell - 35.00

Avenue, Thinking and Direction in Card Magic, is a study on classic principles reinvigorated for a modern audience. On this DVD you will learn...

D'Lite - The Ultimate D'Lite DVD DVD
D'Lite - The Ultimate D'Lite DVD
DVD by Rocco - 14.95

This DVD includes demonstrations with D'Lites, D'Ring, and Color Changing D'Lites. The D'Lite has been one of the hottest selling...

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