Teaching With Magic

Book by Paginas Libros de Magia SRL
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Teaching With Magic

30.00 usd

Book by Paginas Libros de Magia SRL (30.00)

In stock.
Teaching With Magic - magic
Teaching With Magic Teaching With Magic Teaching With Magic

A practical guide for the classroom teacher in using doable magic as a motivator, metaphor and curriculum delivery tool.

Can a teacher be a magician? Does mathemagic exist? Is magic an efficient teaching resource? Can student be magicians? To answer all these questions, the author of this book, a teacher and a magician, created a genuine method of motivating students: Educational Magic. It is a useful method not only when it comes to helping the processes of teaching and learning but also when it comes to explaining concepts, mediating conflicts, improving conduct, increasing self-esteem, etc.

With this book, the reader will learn new, surprisingly effective techniques. There are almost 100 tricks explained in this book. They are all easy to do, require a minimum of practice, and are described in a clear, simple, and concise language. The necessary materials are used in schools on a daily basis: writing paper, chalk, newspaper clippings, and construction paper. Hence, the book encourages recycling, re-using, and environmental protection.

Teaching With Magic is a book full of innovative magic resources that promote the continuous updating and training of professional educators. Teachers, professors, parents, instructors, entertainers, storyteller and magicians who would like to hold workshops for children will find numerous suggestions that can be immediately put to practice.

There are many books about magic: however, the educational community hasn't had access to a work that shows how to apply magic to education, tailored for the children and teenagers of today.

For years, Xuxo Ruiz Dominguez, known for Xuxo's Magic in theaters, has worked both as a teacher and a magician. He presents his own experience from both walks of life in this book. As a Educational Magic expert, he has conducted numerous courses for teachers on the pedagogical use of magic.


Customer reviews for Teaching With Magic



This is a wonderful book. For those who teach, the idea to mix magic within a teaching enviroment is brilliant. I have purchased two...one for me and one for my wife who is a teacher of young children. There are many levels within these pages and so it will take some time for her to be able to present magic to her charges but finding the right magic mix will pay dividends down the track as she shows learning can be beneficial for the future as well as having fun along the way. When this was out of stock earlier I could not find this anywhere..so buy before they are gone.


Community questions about Teaching With Magic

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  • Peter asks: Hardcover? PP?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, this is a hardcover.
  • Robert asks: Can you post the table of contents? Is it broken down by curriculum?

    • 1. Robert answers: Thank you!
    • 2. Justin answers: I found this on another site. Foreword by Juan Tamariz Preface by David Kaye Introduction SECTION 1: TAKING MAGIC TO SCHOOL Chapter 1: Educational Magic Why? How? When? What for? Chapter 2: The Foundations of Educational Magic Chapter 3: Explaining Subject Matter with Educational Magic Chapter 4: Children as Magicians Chapter 5: Before Stepping into Action SECTION 2: MAGIC TRICKS IN THE CLASSROOM Chapter 6: Miscellaneous Magic Chapter 7: Mathemagic: The Magic of Numbers Chapter 8: The Magic of Words: The Stories that Magic Tells Us Chapter 9: Magic and Psychomotricity: Rope Magic Chapter 10: Body Magic Chapter 11: Magic Bets: Winning without Cheating Chapter 12: Developing Creativity Chapter 13: Optical Illusions: Can You Trust Your Senses? Chapter 14: Magic Workshop: Children Doing Magic! SECTION 3: IN ORDER TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MAGIC Chapter 15: More Magic, Please! Acknowledgments Annotated Bibliography
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  • Danny asks: Wondering what grade levels this book is appropriate for?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Around 6-13 years old
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