Jon Armstrong Masterclass

Masterclass by Jon Armstrong
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 15 reviews

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Jon Armstrong Masterclass

75.00 usd

Masterclass by Jon Armstrong (75.00)

Or purchase this lecture only for 75.00

Discover the secrets to creating an act that wins over every audience and gives them a unique, unforgettable experience. The “Jon Armstrong Masterclass” is your chance to learn the road-tested routines and theory that helped Jon Armstrong become one of the most in-demand acts around the world.

For the bulk of his career, Jon Armstrong made a living as one of the most talented close-up magicians in the world. But, about a decade ago, he decided he wanted to focus more on performing stand-up magic both as a creative challenge and to open up more financial avenues. In this special, Masterclass he’s going to teach you how he made that transition. This includes both complete routines both old and new and all the tips he's picked up over the last ten years.

This three-part session includes two 90-minute lectures followed by a live Q&A on Zoom where you can ask Jon any questions you have. It's available for just $1/£1 for new subscribers of Vanishing Inc. Masterclass!

There is no better way to start 2024 than with the “Jon Armstrong Masterclass”!

Session 1 - January 7, 2024 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

In the first session, Jon will discuss the main concepts you need to understand if you want to stand-up magic and also improve the stand-up magic you already do.

Each section will start with a performance of a routine from Jon’s show before diving into the method for the effect, as well as a detailed exploration of the finer details that make it so successful. You don’t just get the why, but also the how—including how to make routines your own.

How to Win - Formal (Ring and Tie)
Jon’s overall thoughts about stand-up magic and his signature stand-up routine, which leaves your audience with a permanent reminder of your awesome skills for the rest of the show.

Real Show Review - Card Under Watch/Bag Stab
You’ll learn how to effectively review your shows and discover how it not only helps you improve your performances, but also sparks creativity for new routines. This section concludes with learning a complete 10-minute routine filled with tons of magical moments.

The Now - Practice Time: Chop Cup (First Time Being Published)
Jon offers some invaluable insights on how to script routines that audiences will genuinely remember. This includes a first-ever look at how he’s evolved his Chop Cup routine to heighten both the magical impact and audience interaction without following the standard guessing game plot.

Bringing Close-Up On Stage - Thought of Card to Wallet
Learning how to make your smaller close-up effects play bigger on stage is a major part of transitioning to stand-up magic. To illustrate this concept, Jon will teach you how to fill the stage with just a deck of cards, a rubber band, and a wallet.

Session 2 - January 14, 2023 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

Week two dives into five ways you can change how you approach your show so that you make a unique, one-of-a-kind impact on every audience.

Unite | Uno Voodoo
This fun and engaging effect about the world of high-stakes UNO cheating is the perfect effect for audiences of any age (something that cruise ship magicians always need to worry about). It’s a fully-scripted cards across routine that is as fun to perform as it is to watch.

Engage | Engagement Ideas
In this session, Jon will show you how to take some stand-up classics and make them more engaging and memorable.

Impress “ Through Line (First Time Being Published)
How can we make our shows more impressive on multiple levels? In this session, Jon will share a multi-part routine that serves as an easy structure to help turn a bunch of unique routines into a real show.

Train | Cup Ball and Shot Glass (First Time Being Published)
Teaching the audience to respond the way you want them to will make getting the reactions you desire much easier. To illustrate this concept, Jon will share an odd routine with a classic magic prop.

Respect | Paper Ball
Discover how respecting an audience’s time, intelligence, and individuality is crucial for a memorable show. Jon will share the closer he uses to get people on their feet and make them eager to see him again.

Live Q&A - January 28, 2023 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

Join Jon live on Zoom as he answers your questions about not only the material taught in the weeks before, but anything related to stand-up magic.

As a SPECIAL BONUS, Jon will also talk about “Odds and Ends”, which are a bunch of simple ideas that you can apply to your shows based on the concepts taught in the previous weeks.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Due to a scheduling conflict, this Q&A is happening 2 weeks after the final lecture as opposed to the usual week after.

Magic live lectures

Customer reviews for Jon Armstrong Masterclass



Jon Armstrong is an inspiring creator whose work evolves year after year. Watching him perform is inspiring —his artistry has a direct impact on my work as a designer, and I’m constantly amazed by his dedication to his craft.

If you haven’t already, I wholeheartedly encourage you to explore anything Jon puts out into the world—you’ll be so glad you did.

VI Monthly


This is easily one of the best Masterclass sessions, and I've been a subscriber since the start. Not only is Jon engaging and interesting, he shares many practical tips and perspectives. And he's been very generous by providing some extras for further study. If you're trying to decide between this one and another class, choose this one. You won't be disappointed.



Wow, that was a tremendous Masterclass! It gave me so much to think about performing magic in a conversational style, involving and engaging the audience as a whole instead of individual members, up to using personal bits as a hook for a presentation.
The included full shows allow you to see how the concepts Jon Armstrong talks about work in real life. And above all both teaching and shows are very entertaining. Thanks to Jon making all this available.

VI Monthly


This is all really great stuff. Amazing material presented in real world situations and taught very well.
The real gems here though are Jon's insights into performing that can only be gained from doing thousands of shows for real paying audiences. Jon has certainly put the work in and it shows. I learned a lot from this. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge Jon!

VI Monthly


Jon Armstrong is the best! Practical ideas from a worker. So glad that Vanishing Inc. has practical Masterclasses on Standup acts. This was definitely worth my time.



This lecture was jam packed with great theory and some solid routines. I purchased his book immediately after because I need more of Jon’s thoughts. The bonus show performances are essential to expand on his theories and allow you to see them in action on a real audience. I really think this is crucial and in my opinion should be essential in a masterclass. My favourite masterclass so far.

VI Monthly


The John Armstrong Master Class was



Jon is clearly an excellent teacher. Everything on this masterclass is comprehensible and fun to learn. And his magic packs a punch! Great stuff!

VI Monthly


There is far too little material of this caliber for guys who like to stand up on stage. Every single thing that Jon shows you is so entertaining, not to mention fooling. The tips in between the tricks are also worth their weight in gold. Stand up guys could not go wrong with this class. Absolutely the best lecture I have ever seen!

VI Monthly




VI Monthly


Jon did a great job on this. He reveals lots of great details that make his magic fun and surprising. He also gives insights into how to make a likeable "winning" character.

I've seen him do these routines live at the Magic Castle many times and it was great to see the behind the scenes work and thinking. Bravo, Jon.

VI Monthly


Outstanding, organized, and well taught!!

VI Monthly


This class was packed (well over 120 minutes) with absolutely phenomenal material. Aside from the great routines, which are clearly explained, and aside from all the great humor, there is so much helpful wise sensible and logical advice about general performing and how to make your shows so much better. I will be rewatching this entire lecture and taking detailed notes, in order to retain and use all the wonderful ideas and practical magic.



It is great to hear Jon's advice on the different topics. He went over some really helpful tips. I do wish it would stick to 1.5 hours as advertised as 2.25 hours was a long time to sit and listen. I know you can revisit, but my hope with the 1.5 hours was knowing what I would invest upfront.


Community questions about Jon Armstrong Masterclass

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Michael asks: I see the advertisement was edited. Just curious, did Jon decide to hold back his sucker silk to egg routine? The description sounded very intriguing.

    • 1. Jon answers: Hi, not really holding it back as much as we didn’t get to it on the shooting days. Happy to chat about it during the Q&A if asked about it.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Shannon asks: Jon mentions during the masterclass we will receive a full video of his show. Is this the case?

    • 1. Jon answers: They should be in your account soon.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Avrohom asks: Jon discussed in the second lecture ideas from a book he wrote called "How To Win." If there is more elaboration in the book about the 5 points then what he already explained, I would love to buy a copy. Is it available?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Jon sells it on his website but we hope to get them in stock soon.
  • Joe asks: I don’t understand, can I just purchase a downloadable video so I can watch it instructions? And if so, how much?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Select the black bar underneath the green trial bar. It costs $75.00 on its own.
  • jim asks: Was the final Q and A session for John Armstrong recorded to be added to the master class? I wasn’t able to watch live but couldn’t find it in my master class files. Thanks!

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes it was recorded and will be added
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