Kainoa Harbottle Masterclass

Masterclass by Kainoa Harbottle
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Kainoa Harbottle Masterclass

75.00 usd

Masterclass by Kainoa Harbottle (75.00)

This massive 5-hour download is an expert class in professional quality coin magic for all skill levels from one of the best coin magicians in the world. There is something for everyone from experienced coin workers to those who have never learned a coin trick in their lives.

Hawaii's Kainoa Harbottle is regarded as one of the world's finest coin magicians, and what we like best about him is that he's the "complete" coin magician. That is, his skill is world-class, and he does all sorts of unusual, beautiful moves with grace and precision. But Kainoa is also wildly clever, and he has created a mountain of tremendous routines that have revolutionized the world of coin magic.

Most importantly though, Kainoa is a relaxed, funny performer that understands the value of intriguing and captivating presentations that are far too often lost in many coin magic routines. As such, he is the perfect Vanishing Inc. Masterclass instructor and created an impressive download filled with a variety of new routines and beloved classics, as well as important magic theory, that you'll study for years to come.

The "Kainoa Harbottle Masterclass" features two complete lectures and an exclusive bonus download.

Session 1: Presence and Absence
At its most basic level, card magic revolves around a combination of detailed information. The colors, suits, and values of playing cards are bits of data that the magician controls. With coin magic though, the most basic idea centers around objects appearing and disappearing—the idea of presence and absence. In this magic download, Kainoa discusses the essential essential aspect of these shiny magic props.

This session features multiple techniques and routines for making coins appear and disappear in impossible and entertaining ways. After showcasing some simple vanishes with individual coins, Kainoa dives into the hows and whys of manipulating multiple coins to bring them in and out of existence. This realm of “stack work” can be daunting, but is also extremely rewarding.

Session 2: Hatching a Plot
Many magicians forget that a coin vanish in isolation is not really "magic". It is a technique by which we create magical effects. There are multiple narratives that magicians have latched on to with coins, and this session takes a critical eye to some of the “standards” that seasoned professional magicians have found useful in commercial settings. From Coins Across to Coins Through the Table, Kainoa investigates how the real work of presentation unfolds alongside the methods, how narratives drive performances, and how sometimes less is more.

Bonus Download
This bonus question & answer session was recorded live with Kainoa. During it, he examines how to be creative with your wizardry, no matter what props you prefer to use. Using various examples from coin magic, Kainoa explores his own methods of developing and honing material ranging from single effects to complete professional acts.

This special bonus download was designed to help magicians become comfortable with creativity by understanding that it is not so much a contiguous process but an example of punctuated equilibrium, where the fits and starts of the hands, and the leaps and bounds of the mind, can ultimately be molded into the illusion of a coherent whole.


Customer reviews for Kainoa Harbottle Masterclass

VI Monthly


I just watched the second session from Kainoa Harbottle's Masterclass and even though I'm a card magic guy I really loved this masterclass. His coins through table looks like a fun piece to do, but my personal favorite is the Spellbound routine, since it's one of the few coin routines I practice and his version has a great twist to the classic routine.
Kainoa's teaching is precise and clear, and he seems to be a funny guy, therefore it's a joy to watch all these great coin routines.

VI Monthly


I just spent a delightful day watching Dr. Harbottle's lectures and Question and Answer session. He is a very personable and skilled instructor. The lessons are well paced. Of course, learning will require practice and the trial period may not allow sufficient time to review the lessons, so this may well be one Masterclass to purchase for permanent access.

VI Monthly


Kainoa Harbottle is one of those names that I always hear anytime someone brings up coin magic. He is clearly a master at his craft and the way he teaches is fun and easy to follow. I highly recommend this masterclass



Kainoa Harbottle is an absolute beast in the field of coin magic. His magic is elegant and simple to follow. It’s never arrogant and always makes sense. This whole masterclass is fantastic but I particularly loved the copper/silver material where I will definitely be adding moves and plots to my close up repertoire.

VI Monthly


I loved this Master Class. I enjoy coin magic but at times I've been extremely frustrated with it. Kainoa taught this class in a very clear and concise manner. Extremely helpful. Thank you.



VI Monthly


Kainoa Harbottle delivers again with an awesome masterclass! From his thoughts on structure of routine and plots are excellent. He breaks everything down to why he does certain things and how it lead to that. If you are unfamiliar with his work on coins then you are in for a real treat. His coin magic is what real magic is suppose to look like. Some of his stuff is challenging but what good magic isn't. Thanks Kainoa and Vanishing Inc for hosting this Masterclass.



I have been so excited for this series and it completely shattered all my expectations. There are so many “gems and germs” in this masterclass. The effects and explanations are clear, concise and adaptable to many different scenarios. These effects are adaptable whether you do table or walk around. I truly believe there is something in this course for everyone. Kainoa is an excellent teacher and magician. In this course he takes you through making coin magic not just procedural focused but also presentation focused as well. This course has sparked even more excitement to dive deeper into learning, studying, practicing and performing coin theory and presentation. I believe this course will elevate your coin magic performance.





VI Monthly


"Object driven magic" at its finest

VI Monthly


Good teaching of improved versions of classic coin tricks.



Really great!





VI Monthly


Tremendous teaching …the hours just flew by. Kainoa makes the learning fun and gives details to continue our individual practice with coins.



VI Monthly


The 2 lectures I was waiting waiting to see was chris Kenner and this man kainoa harbottle he is not well known but he should be, definitely one of the top coin guys in the world I recommend everyone purchase his lecture





While it will take a lot of practice, it gives you several methods to strengthen your presentation and produce a "magical" coin routine.

VI Monthly


Awesome work!!!

VI Monthly


VI Monthly

Mark C.

VI Monthly



Community questions about Kainoa Harbottle Masterclass

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Bill asks: Is The Victorian Coins Across routine taught in this Masterclass?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: As soon as we receive the content of this Masterclass we will update it on the product page.
    • 2. Kainoa Harbottle (creator) responds: Nope, that's a separately marketed effect.
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: As soon as we receive the content of this Masterclass we will update it on the product page.
  • Robert asks: I have the At The Table Live Lecture by Kainoa from Vanishinginc. Is the Masterclass Live from Kainoa very similar to it? How is it different?

    • 1. Kainoa Harbottle (creator) responds: So, I had my lists from At the Table Live and my Penguin lectures in my notebook while I've been working on these. There's always a little cross over (because, hey, it's me), but these talks will include material that's old for me but new for everyone else.
    • 2. Jim answers: There will be differences. Here are some details on the his first masterclass for this month: Kainoa Harbottle is set to begin his first Masterclass shortly. During this session, he will consider some simple vanishes with individual coins, but will spend most of the class focused on the hows and whys of manipulating multiple coins to bring them in and out of existence. This realm of “stack work” can be daunting even for the dexterous but is also extremely rewarding.
    • 3. Kainoa Harbottle (creator) responds: Oh, and the At the Table lecture is from Murphy's; it's not produced by Vanishing.
    • 1. Kainoa Harbottle (creator) responds: So, I had my lists from At the Table Live and my Penguin lectures in my notebook while I've been working on these. There's always a little cross over (because, hey, it's me), but these talks will include material that's old for me but new for everyone else.
    • 2. Jim answers: There will be differences. Here are some details on the his first masterclass for this month: Kainoa Harbottle is set to begin his first Masterclass shortly. During this session, he will consider some simple vanishes with individual coins, but will spend most of the class focused on the hows and whys of manipulating multiple coins to bring them in and out of existence. This realm of “stack work” can be daunting even for the dexterous but is also extremely rewarding.
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