Magic download (video) by The 1914 and Lewis Le Val
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Magic download (video) by The 1914 and Lewis Le Val (29.95)

OTT - magic

A devastating mentalism utility technique from Lewis Le Val that allows you to recreate some of mentalism’s strongest routines with just one single move. It is Lewis' most closely-guarded secret, and he’s graciously agreed to allow Vanishing Inc. to be the only other magic shop in the world able to offer it to you.

This killer mentalism weapon allows you to perform miracles at any moment. And the best part? You can learn the move in about 30 seconds. It’s shockingly easy.

"OTT" is a billet worker’s dream. Despite how simple it is to learn, it is essentially impossible to see. The spectator can be burning your hands. You’ll even fool yourself.

If a room full of the most respected mentalists in the world missed it while Lewis Le Val’s hands were projected on a large screen, then you never have to worry about your spectator seeing anything. “OTT” is simply the easiest and most deceptive “switch” ever

We put switch in quotes because it’s technically not a switch. It’s better referred to as a "pseudo-switch" that unlocks a seemingly endless amount of mentalism possibilities. It will all make sense as soon as you watch the detailed instruction video.

“Really great. I am relatively sceptical when it comes to novelties in the mentalism scene. The term "pseudo-switch" may seem a bit puzzling but describes this project quite well. When you get to know the move, you already begin to suspect the possibilities that open up. It's really cool how these possibilities gradually unfold in the routines.” Jonathan L. (Verified Early-Release Customer)

A Mentalism Masterclass

As with every release from Lewis Le Val and The 1914, no stone was left unturned on this project. The more than 100-minute comprehensive instructional video is a mentalism masterclass that not only teaches you the moves, but offers a variety of remarkable routines you can perform anywhere and invaluable insights that will improve your overall performances.

You’ll learn how to use “OTT” for:

  • A headline drawing duplication routine known as "Collateral" that offers a twist on the classic routine where you are not only able to duplicate the doodle, but also impossibly divine additional collateral thoughts that were never written down
  • A mind-boggling routine in which you prove the spectator can read your mind
  • A two-person telepathy routine where two spectators read each other’s minds
  • The most beautiful close-up Q&A routine you’ll ever see
  • An invisible peek
  • An impromptu, non-gimmicked clear force bag
  • And more!

All of these incredible routines are ready to go at a moment’s notice. You don’t need any special gaffs or duplicates. The items can even be borrowed if you want.

Download “OTT” by Lewis Le Val and start learning this powerful and versatile move immediately!

"Such a natural and versatile move. Even when done slowly you’ll fool yourself with it" Christian Grace

"An easy and elegant technique. You’ll master it in seconds but use it for a lifetime. Bravo!"Alexander Marsh

"An elegant and inspired move with incredible utility. It helps to simplify so many classic routines” Anthony Jacquin


Customer reviews for OTT





I am hugely impressed and amazed!! Such a sneaky and simple move. And with the right timing it is undetectable. Not only does Lewis give really good routines, variations and ideas but the whole thing also sparkles own ideas. I came instantly up with one that's now in my performing repertoire. Thanks a lot, Lewis!



I downloaded this at 2am and stayed up until 4 because my brain was working out ways to incorporate this into my routines. The only con I have is that there are no live performances despite the trailer. This is a great new utility move that is extremely versatile. The videos and the teaching are top notch and Lewis LeVal is very thorough in explanations. I can actually see myself using this move to help "clean up" a common technique in mentalism. This move will indeed put you ahead in mentalism. I found out about Lewis through the OG AOK years ago and he has only gotten miles above in ingenuity and creativity since then. Overall, I haven't had a negative experience with 1914 on VI so far and this utility move should be in any progressing and pro mentalist's tool box. Billets are the heart of mentalism and this is modern billet work at it's finest.





Learn these routines (and buy the Orphic+!) and you will have some real mind benders that you can use anytime, anywhere, for the rest of your life. Blank business cards are cheap--or you can have them printed with your contact info. This is some very strong mojo indeed.

The Orphic+ wallet is well made and handles like a dream. A big plus are the set of instructions that come with it. Kudos to Lewis Le Val & Co. for producing such an excellent product. I'm probably going to buy a couple more Orphic+ wallets to keep as backups as this has become my EDC.



This is a really great switch. Quick to learn but with some really good applications. The teaching is really thorough and covers lots of variations. The purchase, on the whole is very good value for money and I would happily recommend to others as it was recommended to me. If you are in to mentalism this is for you, that said you could use this as more of a ‘magic’ routine with a few simple changes of patter. Excellent all ends up.









I really like this a lot. The move itself is natural and feels a lot like how I’d actual handle the billets in this context, so much so that I had to double check that I was doing the move right cause even the feeling in my hands felt like what the move is meant to simulate.

However, the move isn’t even the best part of this package. The routines are fantastic. I love the structure of the two revelation routine. I wish I could say more about why, but you really should just pick this up and give it a watch. It’s going to spark so many ideas for you.

VI Monthly




Five stars!



Great tool love it ??





I like this move. Great routine ideas too.



This is a great technique and routine. I like how there is the option to use the Orphic Wallet (or other peek wallets) since I already got one. His patter is on the serious side and I’m more comedic but you can’t deny the simplicity and effectiveness of this technique. I can always change the patter to make it my own.
Also, the extra routines Lewis includes are fun and fantastic. Money well spent.





VI Monthly




Great and simple! So many ideas come to mind using the move! Recommend to all!



This is just incredible. This is absolutely one of the top three purchases I've ever made on this website and any other magic website; and it's a DOWNLOAD!!!. Do yourself a favor and purchase this. This product is pure excitement, and I couldn't be happier with the teaching.





OTT is such an amazing thing. I'm not even a huge mentalist person and it is SOOOOO FUN!!!! I've been having a blast doing it. Highly recommended





As always, Lewis is extremely generous with his ideas and insights, providing a wealth of potential material for the serious performer. I have moved away from billet work due to arthritic hands and challenging performing conditions. The Delphi Q&A, as well as the entire OTT project has given me powerful new tools that I will use and develop for my audiences. Wonderful work, Lewis! Thank you.

VI Monthly











This looks more like a "move" than anything i have seen in 10 years. I just think of Rene Levand saying "I couldn't do it any slower" and wonder, does this think guy think "I couldn't do this any faster".

' i coulnt do it any slower"



A direct and clear introduction and demonstration that sets expectations and allows the student of mentalism to orient themselves for what is to come. The way that the OTT videos are broken up modernizes the presentation and reference for digital media rather than relying on PDFs with awkward timeline references.



Nice demonstration





This is an excellent download. The OTT move is an absolute monster with so many possible applications. The routines provided are well structured and taught with great precision. Lewis Le Val is, for my money, one of the most creative thinkers in the world of mentalism today and the OTT move reinforces that opinion.



Excellent explanation for a devilish method.

VI Monthly


Simple, amazing, some great food for thought.



So far so good.



Collateral Bonus is beautiful- it allows you to bring multiple people into the routine for some true powerful moments. I’m looking forward to using this one. I can’t wait to work through everything else. Definitely packs small and plays big!



Very of wary of his quick flick of wrist because the spectator would suspect something just happened; prefer the slower "passing" to myself. Even then, however, because the two billets are in such close proximity, they have reason to suspect a "move."



This is probably the coolest and most fun move I've ever learned, it's so practical because it can be done without a table and is completely invisible













The demo shows street performances with no tables.

The download contains no live performances.

It does not teach how to do the move without a table.

Still, lots to be learned here.


Community questions about OTT

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Larry asks: Why don't you demo the actual effect(s) in your video? Or is there a video somewhere where we can see what you are doing actually in action?

    • 1. William answers: I concur with Larry. I am always skeptical when a product is not "demo'd". There is usually something the creator of the effect does not want to be seen or there is something obvious that will reveal the secret to the spectator. As well, I question effects using abbreviations ("OTT") that are not defined.
    • 2. Juan Ramon answers: I don’t see any demonstration of the effect so it’s difficult to decide to buy it.
    • 3. Hari answers: The reason why the move is not shown by detail is, by carefull video analysis you can reverse engineer it. Great part is, if you think they didn't put the "move" in the trailer, then you have already been fooled by OTT! I was fooled too, shows how amazing OTT is.
    • 4. Richard answers: Thing is, billet switches are very easy and nothing fancy is required. Only other magicians would "burn your hands" as it says in the video because laypeople shouldn't even suspect a billet switch. If laypeople suspect a billet switch, before, during or after the effect, sorry but you are not ready to perform this in public. Anyone who does billet work knows that the hard part is the "read", not the switch. OTT looks like hype, nothing more. If not, prove me wrong.
    • 5. Lewis answers: Hi Richard, I agree with you regarding spectators not seeing a switch, but regarding the read being the difficult part, OTT is totally different from any other billet switch, it’s a pseudo-switch. Definitely not hype, if you’re looking to be proven wrong you’ll find that proof in the download and the reviews from those who’ve bought it :)
    Post an answer to this question
  • Vince asks: I can't find a trailer, either?????????

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you press the play button on the large image at the top of the page, you'll see the trailer.
  • George asks: I'm curious about the impromptu, gimmickless, clear force bag. Is this available separately - for instance, as part of a lecture? Or, is OTT a single move and there are just multiple applications of the move being taught, including the clear force bag?

    • 1. Phil answers: OTT is a billet switch. So, I think it’s okay to assume the gimmickless force bag is just a way to switch the chosen billet with the force billet.
    • 2. Tom answers: The OTT is exceptionally versatile. The use of it in order to avoid the use of a forcing utility is simplistically brilliant. It allows you to be incredibly impromptu and organic. You won't be disappointed with this purchase. Trust me.
    Post an answer to this question
  • John asks: Some reviews suggest getting the Orphic + wallet to use with this. Could the Hip Pocket Mullica Wallet work as well or would the Orphic + be the better option?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: the Orphic + works best with this effect
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