Bicycle Ultimate Lefty Deck

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company
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Bicycle Ultimate Lefty Deck

5.85 usd

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company (From $5.85)

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Lefties rejoice! The ultimate custom playing cards for left-handed magicians has arrived (with some special surprises for right-handed magicians as well).

This specially-made deck of Bicycle Playing Cards features reverse indices. Having the indexes in the opposite corners from a normal deck of cards allows left-handed magicians to spread the deck in their hands or on the table without having to worry about the index being hidden.

Present your favorite card tricks easier than ever!

Any right-handed magicians may also realize that this opens up the possibilities for a variety of new amazing card tricks. Seven of which are explained in the more than 1.5 hour download included with each deck of "Bicycle Ultimate Lefty Playing Cards".

Some possibilities include...

  • A blank card prints into another card
  • A freely-selected card is found instantly
  • A named card is the only one with a different color in the deck
  • And so much more!

"Bicycle Ultimate Lefty Deck" Details:

  • 56 playing cards + 2 gaff cards
  • UPSCC printed on premium thin crushed stock
  • Bicycle Rider Back design (red or blue)
  • Detailed 1h 40min video with 7 routines taught

Video in English and French


Customer reviews for Bicycle Ultimate Lefty Deck



Just an extra piece of ammunition for my ‘Switch/Restore Box’ turn a normal card into a reflected or mirror image kind of effect…cost effective and great value for money…something different.



So smooth to spread and do one hand fan. But to get most out of this deck make sure you have regular deck inhand with different color back. Amazing!



Lefties rejoice! Finally a deck that caters for our particular needs. What a joy it is to be do peek controls, easy-to-see culls, and blank deck fans without having to work out adjustments and awkward alternatives. It's a little odd seeing pips in the alternate corners of the deck, but nobody I've performed for has batted an eyelid. This comes with a couple of gaffs and a 90-minute download. The first couple of tricks were very basic and underwhelming so I haven't persevered with it. But the main thing is having a wonderful, Bicycle-quality left-handed deck at a very reasonable price. Immediate, no-brainer EDC material for fellow sinistrals.


Community questions about Bicycle Ultimate Lefty Deck

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  • RALPH LAWRENCE asks: Is the video only for right handed people using the left handed pack? If so could a left handed person perform the tricks using a normal pack? please clarify.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Anyone can use this deck but the pips are going to be on the right side of the card. It's helpful for lefty's who hold the deck in their right hands but right's can hold it in their left hand too. It may look off.
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