LoFi Playing Cards

Deck of cards by X-DECKS
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LoFi Playing Cards

14.98 usd

Deck of cards by X-DECKS (14.98)

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Relatable, playable, practical!

"LoFi Playing Cards" are a custom deck of cards paying tribute to LoFi music and other popular aspects of Japanese music culture.

This USPCC-printed deck features customized court cards by the talented Max Jung. They're beautifully stunning, but not in a way that makes them unrecognizable. Every court card has special elements added to it. Some with headphones, some holding smart phones and chewing bubblegum and others playing with other pieces of technology. The special King of Hearts even has a magic trick reveal.

The aces are all based around actions that may be taken in a music interface i.e. Add, Pause, Favorite, and Play.

The number cards all have custom colors on them with each card having a pip that looks like a neon light.

The jokers are made to resemble items you may find in a lo-fi video. Such as a cup of coffee or a soda can. Also did you notice what brand the soda is?

The back design was created to represent a scene you might find if you googled lo-fi. The back includes 4 radio waves on each side of the back that make for a great design in rotation moves such as padiddle or WERM. These waves also glow under black light. The center is an abstract idea of more Wi-Fi radio waves and the rest of the background includes shooting stars and a sky speckled with faint basic stars. It includes pink clouds as well as utility poles. These poles hint to X-Decks' founder who is the CEO of H-J a family of companies.

The tuck box of this deck is designed to look like a Walkman which is a vintage portable cassette player.

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