Chameleon Silk Gimmick

Trick by Tejinaya
14.00 In stock.
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Chameleon Silk Gimmick

14.00 usd

Trick by Tejinaya (14.00)

In stock.

With this gimmick, you can make magic tricks that change the color of silk handkerchiefs and magic tricks that appear in large numbers. It's larger than the past Chameleon gimmicks which could only hold small silks. It's super easy to use and will dynamically change your silk performances.

1 Chameleon gimmick is included.

No silks or instructions are included.

For instructions, see DX Chameleon Gimmick.


Customer reviews for Chameleon Silk Gimmick



The gimmick is very well made. I was able to perform my regular routines with very little adjustment. For the price, I’ll likely stock up on a few of these just to have some back ups m. I highly recommend it.


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