Comedy Glass in Paper Cone

Trick by The Essel Magic
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Comedy Glass in Paper Cone

11.44 usd

Trick by The Essel Magic (11.44)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

Here is how it looks: you introduce a cup and a piece of paper. With the cup beside you, roll up the cone and place liquid inside the cone. With the cone safely holding the liquid, dip the cup into the cone and take it back out to reveal that the cup is now full of the liquid. Open the paper to show it empty and dry.

Suitable for stage or parlor, this trick is angle proof and requires no setup.


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  • David asks: What are the dimensions of the glass - Height and Diameter ? (this is important information for me because I want to use this glass for slightly different purpose -- I already understand what it is , how it works -- and I need the glass to fit inside a metal tube I have , so I need to know height and diameter to be sure it fits)

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