Double Devil

Accessory by Lee Alex
52.00 In stock - very few available.
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Double Devil

52.00 usd

Accessory by Lee Alex (52.00)

In stock - very few available.
Double Devil - magic
Double Devil Double Devil Double Devil Double Devil

A super versatile two-pocket Devil's Hank pocket square.

Lee Alex has created some of the most popular Devil's Handkerchiefs on the market today. Now, with "Double Devil", he brings you a two-pocket Devil's Hank that is cleverly disguised as a pocket square.

The stylish, hexagonal design allows you to wear "Double Devil" in your breast pocket until you are ready to integrate it into your routine. This inconspicuous look adds another layer of deception and makes the typically strange prop feel more organic and natural than ever.

Two proprietary "No Snag" Pockets allow you to switch, produce, vanish or transform items with ease. The addition of a second pocket also allows you to easily force two items on the same person or even two different audience members.

What makes "Double Devil" by Lee Alex so deceptive is the fact that it can be shown on both sides before being folded up into a "bag." One item placed within the folds of the bag can easily transform into/be secretly switched with another item previously hidden in the second pocket. After the transformation the pocket square can once again be shown to contain nothing!

  • Neutral grayscale hexagon design will match most outfits
  • Large 15in x 15in (38cm x 38cm) working area
  • Purpose printed with superior quality matte satin fabric
  • Concealed buttons help find the pockets with ease
  • Unique design made from a single piece of fabric for extra strength
  • Online video instructions
  • Additional written instructions with ideas and routines

Customer reviews for Double Devil



This thing is great, not just as a prop but also as an acceasory! The material is high quality, the construction is well done, and the pattern is super stylish and great for concealing any dimensionality. I would honestly wear this with my suit just for the look. As for the functionality... well, lets just say I didn't think I needed/wanted 2 pockets... until I had them. Now it's my new standard! I use this as a change bag in my magic act for an empty mini-bottle to full shot glass, and a forcing bag in my mentalism act to get one ahead.


Community questions about Double Devil

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  • Jeffrey asks: Can you retrieve the item you vanished to have it reappear elsewhere?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can receive the item by reaching into the hank.
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