Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set)

Trick by Joshua Jay
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Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set)

125.00 usd

Trick by Joshua Jay (125.00)

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Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) - magic
Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set) Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set)

An extraordinary behind-the-scenes look at Joshua Jay’s Six Impossible Things. For the first time ever, you can enjoy the smash-hit show and then get unprecedented access to Josh’s creative process.

The Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set is a stunning, limited edition collectors' box set that is signed and numbered by Josh. Only 600 were ever produced and they include:

  • Download and stream of the show
  • Explanations, interviews, and venue tours
  • Six Impossible Things hardback program book
  • Deck of limited edition Six Impossible Things Playing Cards that feature artwork from the show and are deceptively marked
  • Special “IMPOSSIBLE” lapel pin (that can be used as a reveal)
  • Josh’s motivation card he reads before every show
  • Pocket square
  • Poster
  • Access to future special live events

Beyond being a tremendous collectable, the Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set is an unbeatable value for magicians. You’ll get to enjoy the incredible show and then learn the secrets as Josh details some of his most prized effects.

The included explanations go way beyond the basic secrets. This is a masterclass in building, evolving, and performing your own unique show. Josh will teach and inspire you to transform a simple collection of tricks into a truly memorable experience that tells a story and is filled with meaning, This includes a ton of incredible and practical advice covering:

  • Lighting
  • Sound
  • Set design
  • Trick creation
  • Keeping a show fresh
  • And more!

Every magician can benefit from joining Josh on this unforgettable journey, yet only a very limited number of lucky people will ever have the chance to own one of these signed and numbered sets. Only 600 of these first-edition Six Impossible Things Deluxe Sets were ever produced and they are expected to sell quickly. They will never be available again.

About Six Impossible Things

Six Impossible Things was a truly immersive magic experience. It was designed from the ground up to help audiences understand what magic can “feel” like. Instead of sitting in a theater and watching him on a stage, guests were guided through a surreal journey that redefined the possibilities of close-up magic and parlor magic.

This acclaimed show sold out more than 240 shows during its 18-month run. Only 20 people were allowed per night and, once you saw the show, you were never allowed to see it again. Until now…

The Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set includes both a streaming and downloadable version of the show.

This is a Netflix-quality production that was carefully shot to make you feel as if you were right there in the space. It’s a captivating and inspiring adventure that will make you rethink how you approach your magic.

Looking for just the show? A streaming-only version of just the Six Impossible Things show is available here.

As part of our Community Captions project, the explanation video for this download has optional English subtitles.


Customer reviews for Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set)



This box set is well worth the price before you ever get to the methods/explanation of a single trick! Just hearing Josh talk about the creation of the show - what tricks made it into the show, and more importantly, what tricks got cut - and why, is invaluable to get a peek of from someone as polished as Josh!



Love this show. Joshua is wonderfully brilliant and is a masterful teacher. And one of the things I love about the magic community is thatcredit is given where is due, and my only complaint and I’m not sure why this is but the music used throughout is not identified or credited as it should be. Including the gorgeous soundtrack from the Octopus Teacher by Kevin Smuts. I hope this will be corrected.



VI Monthly




The high-quality video production can definitely enhance the overall learning experience, as well as make it more enjoyable to watch.

One of the advantages of the Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set is that each trick comes with its own unique storyline, which can help to engage your audience and create a more memorable performance.



What a wonderful experience! I wish I could've been present in person to a live performance and I'm very grateful that Josh decided to make it available to everyone to experience the stories and magic! I love story telling as the frame for the magic and it was extremely impressive, I can only imagine how it felt for the guests attending the live performance and experiencing the magic first hand 2 feet away. Loved it!


Barry and



Sensational !





Can't begin to explain the value this film has. From the inside scoop, explanations, theory, thought process, and more... this video is more than worth the price. Thank you so so so much for providing us with this gold. Josh, you truly are amazing. And to the team, WELL DONE!



I was intrigued by the 6 impossible things project. I was not disappointed. Never before has anyone put together a full show performance and method video but to explain the "journey" and more revealing, the speedbumps, stumbles and changes they went through before arriving at the finished show was, for me worth the price alone. THEN they added a unique limited edition package of elements (I'm not telling you what) to make this project totally spectacular.



I really enjoyed this release a lot. It was fun barring the show but really, the breakdown of the decisions made are the best part.

the package itself was good, I may use the lapel pin and pocket “circle” which I really liked. Again, I don’t think the boxes items were really the value items here. They are nice but not the reason I purchased.

If you can get a chunk of time to hear the real process of putting together a show, editing and changing… that’s the best value in magic.



Loooooved this! Thanks Joshua for making it available online so we could watch!



Thank you to Josh and the team. I already submitted a review of the show but this is one of my best purchases and glad I was able to get the deluxe set.

Truly incredible.

What I have found most valuable is not the reveal of the tricks but the thinking behind and the brave and I imagine painful choices in what is removed.

This has just improved my own magic as well just by making me feel and recognise the importance of “cutting” things from my own magic.




By far the best thing I purchased from this sight. The show itself is outstanding and ground braking to see, but the explanation of the development of the show has been so inspiring and intriguing to watch as well. The box set is so cool and an amazing unique thing to have!



What a great show !

I was smiling like a kid at christmas while watching it.



Impossibly Inspiring!

VI Monthly


I remember Joshua Jay when he first started out as a magician. And I thought, who is this guy? And when I found out how early he started in magic, got published, performed and really burst onto the scene I thought cool magician... but I never thought of him as a world class performer. That line of thought has changed as of today. One of the most creative and innovative approaches to performing magic I have seen. Kudos to him and his team, in fact everyone involved. I now see how boundaries can be bent or broken when it comes to magic performances. I can't wait for the box set to arrive. I know it will be filled with important information. He references Hitchcock the director in the show as a tribute. If he keeps up the same energy and creativity I think we are witnessing the next Martin Scorsese/Steven Spielberg of magic. Can't wait to see what he does next!



Joshua Jay is not just an extremely talented magician, but a fantastic storyteller as well. You will not be disappointed by this show. It is one of the most magical shows I have ever seen.


Gregory Glau

OMG this is wonderful--and what a spectacular gift to the magic community. SO professional and SO thoughtful. Thanks, Josh!

VI Monthly


Absolutely fantastic. One of the singularly most inspirational purchases I’ve ever made.



This is an amazing show! Magic that is performed intimately with a small group is such a great way to leave an audience filled with wonder. We as magicians can learn a lot from this show.

VI Monthly






The best magic product I’ve ever purchased by far. Loved the details simply amazing!



Fabulously entertaining and fiendishly clever. Intimate and amazing. Loved it.



What an amazing show!! Unique and strong concept, awesome magic... I am blown away.


Community questions about Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set (Show, Explanations and Box Set)

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Jim asks: Where in the deluxe kit is the access to the show and explanations?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The videos will be in the downloads section of your Vanishing Inc. account.
  • Arnie asks: Any chance there may be another run of the deluxe set?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Absolutely no chance at all, ever.
  • Christopher asks: Above it says “Access to future special live events”. Have these events been run? Are there any more? Can we get a full list?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This is sold out, and will never be recreated. And yes, the special live event has been run.
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