The World's Greatest Card Trick

Magic download (video) by Héctor Mancha
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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The World's Greatest Card Trick

499.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Héctor Mancha (499.95)

One of the most unique and exclusive effects we’ve ever offered. Learn the trick that absolutely dumbfounded Penn & Teller with this custom lesson from a FISM-winning superstar.

This is a one-of-a-kind offering unlike any other magic trick we sell. Please read the entire page before purchasing.

Have you ever seen a perfect trick? A routine so powerful, so incomprehensible that the only explanation is that it must be real magic. It’s a rare feat that Hector Mancha has accomplished with the very appropriately named “World’s Greatest Card Trick” (which you may have seen him use to fool Penn & Teller).

A card is selected by your spectator and placed, unseen, into a glass. Your helper then video calls any friend on their phone. This person names a card. No process or questioning. They truly name any card they want. You then show, with empty hands, the card in the glass is, indeed, their named card.

That’s it.

Check Out The Full Performance

It’s “The World’s Greatest Card Trick”. And, no, you don’t need help from any stooges (or strangrs as you may know them).

So, how much would you pay for a perfect trick?

Well, you’ve probably already seen the price above. And no, it’s not a typo.

Let us explain…

Hector Mancha is one of the most talented and creative FISM-winners in recent memory and, after watching him perform this effect live at The Session and then on Fool Us, we knew we had to release it. Mainly because it fooled us (and everyone else at the convention) as badly as it fooled Penn and Teller.

A One-of-a-Kind Opportunity

Part of our agreement with Hector though was that this trick needed to be reserved for those who would get the most value out of it—professional workers. We also both agreed that the select few performers who take advantage of this opportunity must walk away knowing exactly how to get the most out of it. Which is why Hector will be teaching it directly to anyone who buys it.

Instead of traditional instructions, you will be personally taught every detail of the trick from Hector himself, live, via a Zoom call arranged at your convenience (instructions will be sent after your purchase)! The training will not end until you can perform the routine. A private Facebook group is also available if you ever have any questions.

What makes this routine so amazing is the fact that it doesn't require any fancy gimmick to perform. Not relying on complicated gimmicks or expensive electronics makes this effect as practical as it gets. As long as you have a deck of cards and they have a phone, you can perform this reputation-maker anywhere, anytime.

The "World's Greatest Card Trick" uses a devilish combination of careful routining and very clever sleight of hand. Now, this isn't expert level sleight of hand that will take years to learn. But, you are going to need to practice a little. It's well within the range of any intermediate magician that is at the point in their career where they can consider purchasing an effect of this caliber. Just don't expect to Zoom with Hector in the morning and then add it to your show that night.

In the simple version, there is one super-easy gaff that takes 10 seconds to create. But, it is not essential and, with a slight tweak, the routine can still be performed if you happen to forget it. There is also an advanced version with a more complex gimmick that eliminates some of the sleight of hand, but the core of the routine remains the same.

We’re not oblivious to the fact that this is not a trick for everyone and we're very aware that 99.9% of magicians will balk at the price. But, if you are a busy professional performer, we think this is worthy of your highest consideration. Especially when you take into account that you only need to book a gig or two before it starts paying for itself.

This price also reflects the fact that you're getting a complete performance license for a trick that only the most serious professional magicians will have a chance to feature in their show. And because the only way to learn it is with personal tuition from the creator himself, we believe that this trick will remain only in the hands of those who invest in it. It will be, without a doubt, the most talked about piece in your show.

So, are you ready to learn “The World’s Greatest Card Trick” with Hector Mancha?

IMPORTANT: Due to the unique nature of this product, we know you will probably have some questions. To ensure you get the quickest and best possible answers, please email us directly instead of using the “Customer Questions” section below.


Customer reviews for The World's Greatest Card Trick



I just had my private video session with Hector, where he taught both version of his headliner closer. Hector is very personable and likes to do magic that isn't too technical, so that he can enjoy the audience. If you like the routine and can afford it, I would recommend this.

One of the first things he told me was if I though this routine was too difficult for me, or if I didn't think I waould use it, to go ahead and request a refund. He is not doing this for the money. Hector is a busy, working and traveling professional. But during our session, he was not rushed and was truly interested in making sure I understood all the little nuances of both routines.

Bioth versions are pretty easy to do - they require the practice and rehersal that is required of ANY good routine. Most of it is presentation. The "moves" are not difficult and are so well covered with innocent misdirection and timed misdirection that there is no hint of any funny business.

Hector offered more one-on-one live time for practice of clarification, as well as an offer to email him. He responded to my emails quickly and made every effort to get us together. He took a while to get us together, because most hotel wi-fi is not fast enough for live video, and he is on the road a lot.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if this is for you. It would work best in a stage or parlor setting. But your helper and their friend on the phone are right up there with you the whole time. I don't do many reviews, but since this routine is an investment, I thought I would let those interested know about my (very positive) experience. Also, I already do a couple of different routines that are similar to this - just not as simple and not as amazing as Hector's closer! I will use this, once I can perform it well (I only perform routines that I can do well). Thanks for reading!



Oh, that was such a fantastic experience to have my private session with Héctor and learn the World's Greatest Card Trick from him. Héctor is such a nice guy and exclellent teacher. We went through every little detail, it was like having him in your room. This is such a creative thinking, beautiful piece of Magic. Héctor explanied different methods, gave additional ideas. This effect truly deserves its title. Definitely will use it. It is very generous from Héctor to offering further sessions if you need. It is not just being nice but it also proves how serioulsy he wants you to master the trick, taking care about you a lot. Thank you Héctor!



I purchased this effect and spent time on the phone with Hector to walk through it. First, Hector is such a great guy and it is a pleasure to learn this from the creator himself. His passion for the trick as well as the details he shares when explaining it are second to none. Every step of the effect from how he sets up the effect, spectator selection as well as audience management is outstanding. Not only does he explain it all so well, you work with him live on the handling so he can help your learning accelerate and to make sure you are doing it right for the start. If you are looking for a strong piece of magic in your show, looking to learn from the creator LIVE, this is one you should consider! Thanks Hector!



Purchased and had a one on one meeting with Hector. He's a great teacher and really makes sure you understand how to do each method. He is funny and engaging! Also offered a chance to follow up with him if I'm having any difficulties. Extremely happy with the purchase and have been working on the method so I can add this to my shows as soon as possible.



I purchased "The World's Greatest Card Trick." I couldn't be happier with my purchase. I just finished my meeting with Hector. A delightful and funny person to interact with. Hector explained everything in detail and ensured I understood everything (including multiple methods). Hector also offered follow-up lessons if needed. Sometimes, we purchase a trick and are disappointed because the ad copy isn't entirely accurate. This is not the case with this trick; I couldn't be happier with my purchase and can't wait to put this trick on my show.


Video reviews about The World's Greatest Card Trick

Steve Faulkner

The World's Greatest Card Trick

Community questions about The World's Greatest Card Trick

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  • Rick asks: Ok, how much of the sticker price is for the license?

    • 1. Johannes answers: As stated above: IMPORTANT: Due to the unique nature of this product, we know you will probably have some questions. To ensure you get the quickest and best possible answers, please email us directly instead of using the “Customer Questions” section below.
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  • Mark asks: Is using a cellphone required to perform this trick or can the card be named by someone in the audience?

    • 1. Andreas answers: As stated above: IMPORTANT: Due to the unique nature of this product, we know you will probably have some questions. To ensure you get the quickest and best possible answers, please email us directly instead of using the “Customer Questions” section below.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Alexander asks: How is this method different from the wonderful Ernesto Melero Method?

    • 1. Johannes answers: As stated above: IMPORTANT: Due to the unique nature of this product, we know you will probably have some questions. To ensure you get the quickest and best possible answers, please email us directly instead of using the “Customer Questions” section below.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Riddhipratim asks: Are we going to receive the complex gimmicks mentioned in product description, or we have to make it on our own ?

    • 1. Johannes answers: As stated above: IMPORTANT: Due to the unique nature of this product, we know you will probably have some questions. To ensure you get the quickest and best possible answers, please email us directly instead of using the “Customer Questions” section below.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Peter asks: In response to Mark. Yes - given the handling shown - the phone would appear to be an essential prop.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Correct! Thanks.
  • Tri asks: What makes you stated it is "The World's Greatest Card Trick"?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: As stated above: IMPORTANT: Due to the unique nature of this product, we know you will probably have some questions. To ensure you get the quickest and best possible answers, please email us directly instead of using the “Customer Questions” section below.
  • Jaime asks: The trick is $500 dollars to keep it to the professionals. The general answers to questions are not being shared, to keep it private?! Why can’t you share publicly what peoples questions are for this product in order to make an informed decision?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Feel free to ask any questions you like here. But for speed, the fastest way to get answers is to email our Support Wizards.
  • Magic asks: Mention the mail id, to ask questions

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds:
  • Lefty asks: This product would be for a 15 yr. old high school student who is just starting out in magic. Can he learn the moves or does he have to be a seasoned magician.

    • 1. Lefty answers: why don't you answer the original question???? Did we violate your rules????
    • 2. Luis answers: This would not be a very good choice for a beginner magician. Instead look at purchasing books such as the Card College or Royal Road to Card Magic. Vanishing Inc also has many downloads that are great for beginners.
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