Jason Ladanye Masterclass

Masterclass by Jason Ladanye
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Jason Ladanye Masterclass

75.00 usd

Masterclass by Jason Ladanye (75.00)

Amplify your card magic with a massive 4+ hour download from one of today's finest card technicians.

Jason Ladanye cemented his place as one of card magic's finest workers with the launch of his two acclaimed card magic books Confident Deceptions and Game Changer. These incredible books introduced the world to Jason's uncanny ability to combine prodigious sleight of hand with engaging presentations.

Ladanye is the ideal Vanishing Inc. Masterclass instructor because he's qualified to speak about a wide range of important card magic techniques and is a professional working performer that has engineered a variety of incredible magic routines. You're going to love watching these amazing commercial routines in action and then working through the underpinnings that make them so powerful.

This exclusive three-part download includes two complete lectures and a special 1-hour bonus video in which Jason shares extra insights about the lecture material and also answers questions that were asked during a live Zoom call.

Download 1

  • "Collectors Piece" - four aces find three selections in a deck under the spectators hand!
  • "All in the Hands" - a short and sweet blackjack routine that ends with a spectator holding a freely named selection.
  • "The Set-up" - you offer to teach the spectator a simple trick but you leave them with a huge mystery.
  • "Hold ‘em Hustle" - a stacking effect where you stack any two cards from any position in the deck and, along the way, also stack the aces for yourself.
  • "The Art of War" - You play the classic card game War with your spectator. No matter how much you mix the cards or try to get the spectator to win, they can’t. The cards just insist that you win every single time.

Download 2

  • "The Gathering"- a simple collectors plot that is perfect for walkaround close-up magic shows.
  • "Fast Track" - a tracking effect that shows beyond all doubt, regardless of how many times the cards a shuffled, that you can keep track of a single card…and ultimately any four of a kind.
  • "Cash Grab" - offer the spectator a chance to win $100. Against all odds, somehow you still win the bet!
  • "Trifecta" - one of Jason's favorite walk-around effects. This is a quick and simple three-phase effect that shows all the best that card magic has to offer.
  • "High-Card Hustle" - you play high-card cut with the spectator. No matter how many advantages you give them, you’ll always have the higher card.

Download 3

  • Extra insights
  • Bonus Q&A

Customer reviews for Jason Ladanye Masterclass



If you like his stuff you will appreciate what he does here. He keeps his schtick going the whole time which might run some people the wrong way but that's his character and he keeps it consistent. Some neat tips about performing too, not just the card tricks although some are pretty solid and learnable with practice.


Jason is simply amazing in every single thing he does or says. Great material.



Pretty cool. Jason could go a little more easy in the jokes and patter and give a little bit more better instruct but pretty good. I would like less patter and more instructive patter like move instruction instead of routine patter instruct. Richard was great, I would like a do over with better camera angles. Daniel was okay but he shouldn’t have been allowed to do the same instruct he always does like the advocate or the tyrant. He’s got better things to talk about than gimmick stuff. Do some move monkey type classes. Just for those who want to fidget. I like to , as Richard said sit infront of a show and practice or really practice any time I want when I can. Focus on moves the most. We need the moves to great our own stuff.

VI Monthly





Phenomenal. So much information. The Q&A session is invaluable. So much to work with and he didn't hold anything back. Great job.



I've been a Darwin Ortiz fan for many years. After taking a break from cards for several years I was so excited to have discovered Jason's Instagram and TikTok clips. I could see Mr Ortiz's influence in Jason's patter and performances.
Warning!? : If you do not like Jason's "character" - the egotistical, self-absorbed, overconfident persona - he plays into this character throughout the masterclass, and I'd recommend you look past it. It's all part of the "act."
If you're easily offended by alcohol/drug jokes,
you'd better learn to get over it if you're going to watch his Masterclasses.
His "jokes" may come across as a bit too much for some people. It didn't bother me at all tbh - in truth - if it weren't for his social media posts, I wouldn't have been inspired to get back into the shuffle/stacking work.
As for the content being taught - Fantastic. There's something for everyone.
Many of Jason's routines involve faro work, and some deck mem work. He gives detailed advice on everything. There are times where his explanations may seem a little fast, but it's all on camera and there is a pause and rewind button..
I will definitely be studying these over the next few months.
If you already have a memorized stack and can do faro shuffles, then you'd get a lot out of his routines.
If you don't..... hey there's always that bottle of vodka...



very helpful



This was great! If you like Jason’s material jump on this. I liked how he would do the routine and then teach it while offering the right details. I bet I’m a touch newer to magic than most consumers here, but I immediately added some new stuff to my bag of tricks without any additional work. I will also be adding a few others after some practice. One of which I really liked will be in after mastering a (new to me) slight he teaches with what seem to be all the key details. The material was strong and had a mixture of longer routines as well as some “shut up and watch” tricks as Jason liked to call them. Very happy with this one!



The presentation of this was amazing. The subtle tips of teaching while the trick is being prepped was very helpful. The multiple faro shuffles and false shuffles for the red/black split is so simple but baffling at the same time. I love tricks that I know, do it and still amazed by the trick. Thanks. Excited to watch part 2.





This lecture is awesome. Jason is very engaging everything is well planed out and all the card magic is really workable. He gives you every little detail about all the moves and slights. The only thing I would say is that this is not for a beginner. I would recommend you learn how to do a perfect faro and a pinky count as most of the tricks he teaches requires knowledge on how to do those moves. Besides that, excellent lecture and well worth your money.


Cheng Hsun



Amazing card mastery session! Incredible sleights demonstrated and there is an absolute need to do perfect faro shuffles and pinky counts, but with these routines you will see the results of hard work to achieve mastery of these two sleights and then of these fantastic routines. If these two sleights are thoroughly mastered, then the routines are very simple. So for beginner and intermediate magicians it is very important to learn these thoroughly, otherwise these routines cannot be professionally performed. OK must go now and spend my next 50-100 hours to thoroughly master these two sleights in perfect form!





Great masterclass. A great inside look at Jason's high level of skill. I wouldn't recommend this to the beginner but you'll get a lot insight on how to build your character, how to make to create a fun experience for the audience and more. Good stuff!





This man is a Genius, I was a bit out of my depth when purchasing this but don’t let that put you off. If you’ve stumbled upon this then check out his Instagram and what Jason can do. Hard work and dedication ?? recommend this ????

VI Monthly


It is obvious that Jason Ladanye is a master with a deck of cards. Most of the material taught here isn’t really for me, but it was an absolute blast to watch a master at work.



Did you not read the other reviews? What are you waiting for?
If you want to see the greatest card magician that ever lived, clearly explain the goods, get this masterclass!

The effects, methods, presentations and sage philosophies that you’ll learn from Jason, are pure brilliance. If you're looking to move way beyond almost everything else that’s out there with a deck of cards and make your magic the strongest it can be, this is the material for you. Super fun to practice and exquisite to perform.

VI Monthly


What is Jason Ladanye’s Masterclass like? First, and foremost, very entertaining! It’s always a pleasure to watch an expert at work. Although Jason has a reputation for doing knuckle busting sleights - the majority of this class was accessible to a wide range of skill levels. As well, if you are someone who can faro shuffle, there were a number of great tricks that leverage this skill. Personally, however, I found there was more to learn that just the mechanics of the tricks. You can learn when to do sleights, what makes a good vs boring gambling routine, and the importance of material that fits your character. An outstanding masterclass!





Superb, insightful, slick. With just a tinge (deluge) of Jason's characteristic ego.
Whilst I've seen some of this previously in lectures (and his books), it was still well worth it. Trifecta was a great bonus I hadn't seen before, and the Q&A super insightful. Thanks Jason!



Jason is a very polished technician and performer. He is able to teach tricks that will amaze and entertain laymen, but he also presents the whole lecture as a show that educates and entertains magicians and leaves us in awe of his mastery of the craft.



Amazing!!! Sage advice!

VI Monthly


The Zoom session was great! I really enjoyed the wide range of questions and Jason's insightful responses. Compelling!



VI Monthly


VI Monthly


Great routines taught.



Strong and practical card magic. This masterclass is beyond learning the secrets of the effects. Jason goes in-depth into how to properly perform the routines and how to manage the audience. Any serious card magician should attend this class.

VI Monthly


Jason made the masterclass fly by with the use of humor and excellent detailed explanation of how and why the routines he taught work with an audience and are suited to walk around magic too.









Terrific class. Jason rocks



Fantastic! ... Wonderfully organized.... Beautiful material, expertly demonstrated and taught... Many thanks!...



Wonderful lecture!



VI Monthly







Truly amazing, such a great combination of material !!
Also what an amazing quality and setup





I see here that the rating only goes up to “Excellent” … guys, come on! Can we put something that fits, like (I don’t know) “godly” ? Haha. But in all seriousness, this class is beyond amazing. What Jason teaches here is not only how to properly handle a deck of 52 cards, but how to work an audience. And for the love of Jason… DO NOT USE “Abracadabra” in a Jason Masterpiece haha. Can’t wait to see the second video this Saturday!



This is perfect example of how a masterclass should be. Loved the in character performances and then the break down step by step after. That combined with Jasons attention to detail makes for a class you can’t afford to miss.





I've been a student of Jason for some time now and I have to say he never disappoints. The first master class was great and the little ad libs that happened through the lecture are pure gold. Can not wait for the next lecture.



Fantastic lecture.



Excellent material & tight instruction, well prepared, thanks!



This is a great Masterclass! Jason showcased some killer material for all skill levels. Even if you are familiar with his material, he shows you new refinements that only make the material stronger when performing it. Looking forward to his next session to see what's next.



Outstanding! I am familiar with both of Ladanye's books, but seeing some routines performed AND explained was the extra piece I needed to make me want to start learning some of this material. He also performed and explained some never-before-released material.

It's awesome to see a true master of one's craft at work.



An excellent first masterclass, Jason is an excellent teacher and the effects detailed here are first class!!



Even just the first lecture gave a lot of information and plenty of good material. Jason proves that he is a master in his craft. The performance and the jokes were on point. He is not just a master performer but also a great teacher. The instructions were clear and can be followed easily.



An awesome first session! Not only do you see great effects, you also have a very good time learning them.
All the routines are strong, but I particularly loved Collectors Pieces and the Set-Up, and it was nice to see a performance of Hold‘em Hustle that I read in Game Changer but had not seen online.



Jason teaches some absolutely killer material here. If you love Collectors routines, you'll love his devastating take on the classic effect. This lecture is also packed to the brim with commercial gambling routines like Art of War that really push the boundaries of what's possible. Highly recommendeded.






Talking about performing and the routines ... what can you expect of Jason Ladanye? As always: always the best. (However, during the second video I watched something which I consider to be a sad thing. He outed himself as an addict to things in the past and alcohol and I have the deepest respect for people who out themselves and who say what's going on with them. This kind of honesty earns some recognition. Everybody in society can or could benefit of those people. What I didn't consider to be an uplifting moment, what let me lose connection and what turned me off a bit and what I consider to be a sad thing, was when he right afterwards, after the outing, took a mouthful of that thing. There was some inconsistency in that moment. I would love and or would have loved if instead he took himself by his own hand and shows some of his self-caring and coping skills.) I wouldn't bother to sit with him and listen to what struggles he goes through. Put your trust in God AND always cut the cards. Keep the faith.)


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  • Erik asks: What's the required basic level of card magic you already need to have mastered, to be able to fully utilize this masterclass?

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