Borrowed Deck Miracles

Magic download (video) by Dani DaOrtiz
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 41 reviews

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Borrowed Deck Miracles

29.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Dani DaOrtiz (29.95)

Borrowed Deck Miracles - magic
Borrowed Deck Miracles Borrowed Deck Miracles

Perform a full show with borrowed playing cards.

A good magician should always be prepared for any situation. This is why magic EDCs are such a popular topic in magic forums. Magicians want to know the best everyday carry magic tricks they can always have on them just in case an opportunity to perform arises.

What would you do though if you needed to perform at a time when you weren’t prepared? Knowing a few easy sleight of hand tricks might help you kill a few minutes at a dinner party. But, what if you really needed to impress a room of people and you left your magic case at home or the airline lost it in transit?

Dani DaOrtiz has the perfect solution. “Borrowed Deck Miracles” is his new impromptu magic show that uses nothing more than some ordinary decks of playing cards.

Enjoy this more than 2.5 hour download dedicated solely to amazing card magic that can be done with shuffled decks in use (aka FASDIU). Beyond the core methods, Dani explores in great detail how he is able to perform all the dirty work right in front of his audience without them ever suspecting a thing. As the methods often require a psychological component over a heavily technical one, this material is approachable for all different skill levels.

Contents of “Borrowed Deck Miracles”

Ambitious Piles
A wildly fair, hands-off Amibitous Card style effect in which the spectators are allowed to chaotically mix the cards themselves. This standout effect is sure to be a favorite.

Imaginary Brainwave
A fun effect in which the spectator shuffles the deck under the table and then blindly takes a card and turns it face up in the middle. Impossibly, it matches a perfect prediction.

Double Deck Match
A playing card reversed under the table by a spectator perfectly matches a card selected by another spectator.

Double Deck Match Topped
The rapid fire, back-and-forth effect is the perfect follow-up to “Double Deck Match”. Cards seemingly jump to the top and turn over in separate decks of cards your spectator’s hold. The way Dani makes the effect feel fair and hands off is a masterclass in psychology.

Marked Cards
A deceptive and fooling effect in which Dani convinces an entire audience that the deck of cards he borrowed from them is marked with marks only he can see. He impossibly performs an incredible marked deck routine using the normal deck, including a stunning conclusion in which he rapidly names cards as they are cut face down.

Surprise Deck Transpo
Using two borrowed decks, a selected card vanishes from one deck and appears in another.

Double ACAAN
A double-whammy where two different spectators not only end up choosing the same card, but they both appear at the same place in two different decks.

Impromptu Signed Card to Anywhere
Learn the secrets to performing a stunning signed card to impossible location effect in any situation. No crazy props or expensive mystery boxes required.

New tricks. New techniques. New handlings. “Borrowed Deck Miracles” by Dani DaOrtiz is a true treat for all magicians. While you may not always have your favorite magic props, you can always get a couple decks of playing cards from a corner store or borrow them from a friend.

Originally only available to those that attended Dani’s exclusive workshop at Magifest, this borrowed deck masterclass is now available to magicians worldwide.

Please Note: While it is possible to perform some of these effects standing up, they are best done during a seated performance in which a table is available. During some effects, you will also need access to multiple decks of cards.


Customer reviews for Borrowed Deck Miracles



Excellent material to dig into and find. Understandably, Dani's English isn't perfectly articulate (but who can blame him, he is a brilliant joy of card magic). His ACAAN style is so fair and fun. I also love ambitious piles and marked cards, as they are all impromptu and foolproof.



This was the best 30 bucks I spent.



Amazing information. Dani packs a lot of detail in his presentation.



I originally attended this live at Magifest 2020. The psychological techniques in this lecture was worth paying for twice! Dani is the best.



Dani Daortiz is a master of this craft, and the methods he teaches in this lecture are worth their weight in gold.



The tricks are great, but as with all Dani's stuff you're learning techniques that can be applied to almost anything. It will also make you rethink the ways you currently do things and that's always a good thing.

Any performer will learn from this, but if you did just come here for some borrowed deck foolers, you won't be disappointed either.

Some of the effects do use more than one deck, and often if you’re in a situation where you are borrowing a deck, unless you only hang out with magicians there’s probably only one grotty deck stored in a draw with a rubber band around it and “three of clubs” scrawled on a Joker because the dog chewed the actual three.

Even then, you will be able to work some of this stuff out.

If you’re looking for something that isn’t just tricks, but will make you a better magician and performer and of course you love cards – this is for you.

With everything fully explained in detail as well as audience management tips, using words as secret moves, the psychology behind the magic as well as some of the most entertaining performances from Dani, this is worth every penny and I am glad Vanishing Inc put this out.



As a fan of Dani DaOrtiz’s live performances and lectures, acquiring “Borrowed Deck Miracles” was a no brainer for me especially since it was on sale for $14.95. This extensive tutorial, spanning over 2.5 hours, is a pure magical knowledge presented in 25 thoughtfully crafted chapters.

The variety of performances covered in this tutorial showcases Dani’s versatility and mastery. From the jaw-dropping “Ambitious Piles Performance” to the mind-bending “Double ACAAN Performance, each chapter is a testament to Dani’s ability to turn borrowed decks into instruments of miracles.

The breakdown of the chapters is well-organized, making it easy for viewers to navigate through Dani’s teachings. Here is a glimpse of what you will find:

Ambiltious Piles Performance
Imaginary Brainwave Performance
Giving Decks Back
Double Deck Match Topped Performance
Signing and Borrowing a Deck
Dani’s Marked Cards Performance
… and much more.

What sets Borrowed Deck Miracles apart is Dani’s meticulous approach to explanations. Each chapter includes a detailed breakdown, unraveling the secrets behind the magic. The inclusion of chapters like “The Psychology,” “The Power of Words,” and “Using Words as a Secret Move” showcases Dani’s commitment to sharing not just tricks but the philosophy and psychology that underpin his magical powers.





This totally changed my outlook and my ability in magic. Gave me tons of confidence. Best 30 bucks.

VI Monthly




This is one of the most exciting lectures I’ve seen recently. The psychology and spectator management displayed is as incredible as the mechanics behind the effects themselves.

As an insight into Dani Da Ortiz’s creative process, this is invaluable - the effects as displayed are mostly good for seated performances involving multiple spectators so may not be completely right for folks that work in different circumstances, but for me the greatest asset here is the having access to the thinking behind this phenomenal artist’s work and process.



Of course no one else can be Dani da Ortiz but himself. But if we put just a little part of his attitude in one of the tricks we perform our show will become soooo much better. In this lecture you find everything you need - outstanding!





Packed with insights and astonishments. Apparent confusion is harnessed to overload a participant's mind in ways that lead to compliance and false recollections. He meets the misgivings that only Dani himself can use these methods. He says that he can be copied until the style gradually becomes uniquely and authentically your own. As his style is conversational and informal, amateurs and hobbyists can reasonably hope to use some of his methods and principles.



I always love watching Dani perform, his magic is always refreshing and entertaining. At first glance I recognize a lot of this material from his penguin lecture but there is always something new to learn. The effects are great but the performance itself is worth the price alone.







This is the first video of Dani D’Ortiz I have seen and I have to say his style and performance is really fun. I grew up in Spain (originally from the uk) so his accent is easy for me to follow. I love his audience control and the way he does everything in front of everyone and no one notices!!
On this video you will so much more than just some card tricks. His teaching is simple and easy to understand and the effects are brilliant.
To be honest this is worth double the price !,



Very impressive piece here. This is why Dani is my favorite magician! This is an absolute masterclass in the psychological workings of what Dani does to fool audiences.

It is truly unbelievable mind melting stuff.







The force he teaches is worth the price of the download alone, you can essentially force anything you want and nobody will be able to reconstruct it. Simply amazing, totally worth it and I'd honestly say that this is the best purchase I've made this year.this is literally too good, Vanishing inc could've easily sold this for $100



Dani Daortiz is amazing at audience participation and also controlling them without appearing to control anything, all the while I total control of the cards. The Phycology behind the simple yet unique style of displaying the tricks in this video is like no other. A borrowed deck miracles is full of just that, miracles. Even when watching back the performances once explained, it is still easy to miss the slights and card manipulation going on. Simplicity in its rawest format if often best and this video is full of amazing subtleties in plain sight. This will not disappoint and is easy to do once the method is mastered. Thoroughly enjoyed this immensely and would definitely recommend.



Borrowed Deck Miracles is one of the best Magic Downloads I've ever bought. As someone who used to always focus on sleights or gimmicks I've changed the way I show magic a lot. Dani teaches really well and I've perfomed a couple of the effects and here and the reactions are aboslutely amazing. I've even performed this on magicians and have gotten just as crazy reactions. Best Purchase ever!






This. This is why Dani is my favorite magician. The man performs feats of masterful psychology and magic many magicians do with setups and gimmicks... With a borrowed deck. Every time I think I have him pinned down he comes out with something even more outstanding. Do yourself a favor. Buy this. Now.



Dani DaOrtiz at his best. Some great ideas and great teaching.



In my 15 years as an amateur magician, I have watched a LOT of magic content. I've bought a lot of tricks and books. I've learnt some absolutely head melting stuff. This takes the cake though. Absolutely amazing, impossible stuff here. In summory, Dani shows over and over again that technical skill is all very well and good, but boldness, audience management and attitude are what turn tricks into magic. Outstanding stuff. I've be watching this one again and again. Thank you for sharing this Dani.

VI Monthly



Ben Louis



I attended this conference in person, and even though I took a lot of notes, there was so much information I couldn't remember it all. I'm glad it was recorded; even though I have a lot of Dani's work, there's always something new to discover, or something to rediscover. This video shows a lot of classic work, from classic forces, fan forces, to peeks and card controls. Much of it uses multiple decks, but once one understands it's about the concepts and not the tricks, it ceases to be a problem. Highly recommended.
I just wish they hadn't edited out the part where he was explaining the force or the peek to someone, and for several minutes, the person wouldn't even register Dani was doing it as he was explaining. It was hilarious :)



I feel like it would be straight up unfair to give Dani DaOrtiz less than 5 stars for any of his material, especially material with a BORROWED DECK. Although Dani's performance style can be deemed chaotic and messy, I don't think it would hurt for someone to slightly tweak their style to bring more joy and action to the table.





This a great lecture with emphasis on presentation







Dani is stellar ??
This Masterclass worth the price to me only for his 45 min amazing performance show !
He teaches his style of psychology and audience management , it’s flawless .
Once you understand how he thinks and how it works , the tricks are really easy to do . ( no hard sleighs at all )
The way he forces , counts , … and play with us and our emotions is truly incredible .

If you’re still not familiar with his work , this lecture will step up your magic to the next level for sure .
If you are , there’s a lot of new material and Yes : all tricks are 100% impromptu and with borrowed decks and way better than many using gimmicks or looong setup !

Thanks so much Dani and Vanishing Inc

VI Monthly


Dani is a wizard of psychology, a storytelling master. A true artist. How lucky we are to peek behind the curtain.

This would be a bargain at three times the price. Truly a MasterClass in the art of both card and audience handling. ??????????



As always great work by Dani and a lot of teaching on the psychological part of the game. I would give it 5 stars. The thing is, the VI player still has no "chapter" option, so if you want to jump back and forth between routines, explanations and so on, you have to manually find the parts, which is not that easy in such a long download.



Dani is awesome, but these effects were all in his normal style with a similar vibe, so material was not very useful for me. He had some great info on psychology though.



This was probably great in person, but I found it very hard to follow just from watching the video. You have to jump back and forth quite a bit to understand the process. This is not a typical instructional video.


Community questions about Borrowed Deck Miracles

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Steven asks: What is the skill level for these tricks? Are sleights required?

    • 1. Samuel answers: I attended this workshop at MagiFest, so looking at my notes from several years ago and going from my memory, the emphasis is on linguistic trickery rather than sleight of hand. There is some work, but by far, most of it is mental. In this workshop Dani explains his breakthrough in thinking, and how each type of sentence (interrogative, declarative, ect. works for the performer. It was one of the best workshops that I have ever attended. I will be buying it despite the fact that I was in attendance. I want to watch it again several times.
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  • Fred asks: is this OK for a 13year old

    • 1. Ted answers: There's no violence or nudity
    • 2. Tod answers: Based only on the descriptions of the card magic, the types/names of them and my own experience getting interested in magic around 7-8 yrs old, by age 13 these tricks (or more accurately, the ones these are based on) were all well within my ability to understand and perform getting instructions only from books (I'm 55 now, so no videos those days!). So if your 13yo has been practicing for a while s/he should have no trouble. If s/he's VERY new at magic it should still be understandable but it would probably help a lot to know & be able to perform the card magic these are all based on. My biggest problem up to 13-14 yrs old was that my hands weren't always big enough to control or palm cards easily. But that's just practice and growing into them. I hope that helps.
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  • major asks: Are all of these effects ones for multiple spectators. Or can any of them just be performed for one person?

    • 1. Jim answers: Dani's effects are best performed for a group.
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  • Billy asks: Has any of this material appeared before in either his dvds or multiple penguin downloads?

    • 1. Edward R answers: pengwho?
    • 2. D.L. answers: I think he meant Pen****.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Joshua asks: Borrowed deck or borrowed decks? How many of the tricks can be performed with just a single deck?

    • 1. Mark answers: I don't have the product, but going by the contents listed in the blurb it appears there are eight tricks total, of which four are done with one single deck.
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