Harapan Ong Masterclass

Masterclass by Harapan Ong
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Harapan Ong Masterclass

75.00 usd

Masterclass by Harapan Ong (75.00)

More than 4.5 hours of exciting new and unpublished material, as well as some beloved classics, from Harapan Ong. This massive download is a must watch for anyone who wants to improve their card magic.

An underground legend for years, Harapan Ong burst onto the mainstream magic scene with the launch of his smash-hit debut book Principia and it's eventual video sequel "Opticks". He is always on the cutting edge of card magic and is revered for creating some of the most unique card tricks we've ever seen.

This incredible 3-part download features something for every magician from professional magicians to beginners magicians just finding their place in the exciting world of card magic. It offers the signature Harapan balance of technically demanding tricks and unbelievably simple, yet wildly deceptive, card tricks.

Enjoy this fascinating dive into one of magic's most creative minds. Harapan is a skilled teacher and, in addition to sharing visual and amazing card magic, he also shares insights into his technique and and his approach to constructing his own magic effects.

Your download comes with two separate lectures plus a bonus video where Harapan answered questions from members that took part in the first two sessions when they aired live.

Part 1: The Zarrow Shuffle

  • Zarrow Shuffle – Tips and Advice
  • Zarrow Shuffle – Exploration and Applications
    • Full Deck False Shuffle
    • Triumph Shuffle
    • Active Tabled Cover Pass
    • Simple Cut
    • Slip Cut
    • Setting up the Deck
    • Simple Sandwich
  • Trick 1: Lockdown Triumph
  • Trick 2: Fully Suited
  • Theory 1: Rule of Four
    • The "Four Act Structure" (commonplace in Asian storytelling, known as "Kishotenketsu")
    • Trick 4: Red / Blue Oil & Water

Part 2: The Double Faced Card

  • The Mexican Turnover
    • Trick 1: Daley Express
    • Trick 2: Punchback
  • Imbalanced Transpositions
    • Trick 3: Centre of Attention
    • Trick 4: Forgetful Collectors
  • Theory 2: Techniques for Problem Solving
    • Chunking
    • Pattern recognition
      • Trick 5: Plot Twist
      • Trick 6: No Bread Sandwich
    • Stepping Stones
    • Retrograde Analysis
    • Trick 7: Wake Up Sheeple

Part 3: Bonus Q&A Recording


Customer reviews for Harapan Ong Masterclass

VI Monthly


The Masterclass from Harapan Ong is amazing, it look like trick photographie. It is really visual magic. Magic with always a little twist. I love packet tricks, so this masterclass was very interessting for me. The style of teaching the magic and the theory behind was great. Thanks a lot!



this masterclass is one of the best vanishing inc has to offer.dont get me wrong they are all good.I just love this one alot.harapan is a very good teacher in my opinion.highly recomend this lecture.alot of great content.sincerely mike



It is always a pleasure to follow Harapan Ong. His magic is clever and as show in this masterclass, extremely well constructed. He is a great pedagogue. I am waiting for the second session with impatience.
Best wishes,



It was wonderful. Simply wonderful.



VI Monthly




Great masterclass, with a lot of detail.
I really liked the fact that Harapan took the time to show the moves both from the audience point of view and from his point of view.
Great watch !



Enjoyed harapans introduction, a great teacher, great magic, i enjoyed watching the routines, and the insights that were explained i found very interesting.
Disapointed with the video production, especially for the price tag,
A long add at the beginning, for about five minutes, this could of been edited out.
This wasnt shot in a decent studio or even a decent backdrop, and kept setting and resetting the overhead camera/mobile phone, this should of been set up before hand and out of site.



Superb lecture. Very well structured with useful information.

VI Monthly


Week 3 Session

Man! If you weren't there, you missed another extraordinarily superb lecture. Week 3 was supposed to be a brainstorming and Q&A wrap-up session. It was certainly that, but, it became much more. With the sleightest (pun intentional) of urging by Andi Gladwin ("Can you show us how you do the cull (paraphrased)..."?), Harapan turned the remainder of the session into a mini-lecture on culling technique.

And, the one improvement that he added to his culling technique is both genius (and stupidly simple) at the same time. It was a "Wow! Why didn't I think of THAT?" move. Why? Because I am not Harapan Ong and I have not devoted hours and hours of thought, experimentation and perspiration necessary to "accidentally suddenly discover" the least little thing (i.e., a subtlety) that took his culling technique to a whole new level. Much easier to perform. Much more deceptive. That's Harapan for you.

In sum, for me, this three week Harapan Ong Masterclass lecture was the best I have yet attended. Disregarding the effects taught throughout the Masterclass (and there were many...and they were STRONG), each week Harapan taught at least one standout gem (a method or sleight) that I will use for the rest of my life (and in other effects), to-wit: Week One: Zarrow Shuffle; Week Two: The Mexican Turnover; Week Three: his improved Culling technique.

Thank you, Harapan, for your unselfishness in teaching "the real deal" and for your very well thought-out structured lecture(s).

Now THAT'S the way to teach a class.

Class dismissed.

VI Monthly


Harapan has put together an excellent Masterclass. The work on the Zarrow shuffle alone is worth the price of admission. That is a shuffle that sounds good in theory however never looked normal to me. He is able to perform it in a very natural looking manner and better yet is able to teach it in a manner which makes it easy to learn. Mastering it is still definitely a bit further off yet for me. He has been a wealth of information and while I have his books I have clearly not spent enough time in them. He had spoke on the construction of an effect which is something I will be spending some time further reviewing in some effects I am currently working on. His work on the Mexican turnover had completely fooled me and again he has found a way to make it appear very natural. During the zoom session at the end he spilled some tips on the cull which will completely change the way my cull looks. He had also provided advice on how to practice it. For my money after consuming all of the Masterclasses thus far this one is definitely in my top three.

VI Monthly




Great lecture. It is amazing to see Harapan's mind at work with the theory. Chunking is something I recently discovered but he just takes it to a different level. You won't be disappointed.

VI Monthly


WOW! As with last week's lecture, Harapan was on fire. Very strong magic...all clearly explained. Economy of sleights coupled with "certain" cards.

And then, continued from last week, this week Harapan provides the 2nd half of his lecture on theory.

Out of many principles "out there, Harapan chose to discuss four of these principles that (with his mind-set) work especially well for him that he predominantly uses when creating new magic.

One by one, Harapan discusses each of these four principles being utilized...and then gives concrete example of such utilization.

All in all..just an extraordinarily fine lecture. I'll be playing this week's lecture over and over...and over...if only to begin to develop my own INDIVIDUALIZED creative process patterned upon Harapan's technique...but utilizing principles which I might discover work best for me.

What a great lecture.

VI Monthly


Outstanding! Excellent teacher + excellent magician + excellent material = formula for success! ... Useful sleights, techniques, concepts, methods, routines throughout... A+ ! ... Thanks!...



Harapan’s skills as a teacher make him an excellent lecturer. Concise and direct with beautiful and clear magical effects and plots. Jam packed with everything you need to learn some hard hitting magic!

VI Monthly


Magnificent, creative, and filled with new thoughts and material; it was among the best lectures yet!

VI Monthly


Excellent techniques

VI Monthly




Fantastic lecture, Harapan, you did it again! So, wonderful! Thank you so much!

VI Monthly

Mark C.

VI Monthly


Best magic theory lecture I've ever seen!!!

VI Monthly



VI Monthly


VI Monthly




Harapan One does it the way it's supposed to be done. Dude is a teacher in real life so he approaches what he does in a very methodical and deliberate way. If you like structure, detail and a concise thought process/teaching style than this is the class for you.



Great first lecture, I can not wait for the second one.



Harapan is a great teacher.
I love that he already tells us what we need in the next lecture to follow a long. He shows and explains everything very nicely.
Clear structure, you can tell his profession is a teacher. It was a lot of fun to follow the session and I have something else I want to be able to do (at least as good as him of course ;-))

VI Monthly


Great lecture from Harapan. He must be a great science teacher because his explanations of both the effects and moves and the theory behind everything was clear and concise. His work on the Zarrow shuffle with the proper crediting makes this great false shuffle achievable to many more performers. The effects achieved and taught with the shuffle will elevate the standing of any performer willing to put in just a moderate amount of practice.

Harapan’s version of Kazu Katayama’s Red/Blue oil and water is going to become a classic, don’t miss it.



best lecture in my life!
thank you very much harapan!

VI Monthly




VI Monthly




VI Monthly


Out of ALL the prior Masterclass lectures, Harapan's was the best, most concise, most clearly explained most tightly structured lecture that I have ever had the PRIVILEGE of attending.

Everything taught built on the prior material until in an astonishing crescendo, the lecture logically and presentationally ended...leaving this student slack-jawed and both emotionally and intellectually drained...but excited to get a deck of cards and jump back into the fray.

Kudos to Harapan. With his demonstrated teaching style and mastery of the subject matter, his physics students are one extremely lucky group of students.

As I fantasize about having Harapan as my teacher, perhaps I might begin to develop an inkling of what the #@!! Quantum Physics is really all about.

MAN! What a teacher! If I had had Harapan for a teacher, I NEVER would have skipped a class.

Harapan, thank you. I cannot wait for the next class



Clear and concise teaching from Harapan. Really fun to follow along, and I cant wait to start practicing this stuff! While Harapan is incredibly humble, this lecture was top notch!

VI Monthly


Thank you, Harapan. Excellent structure and pacing. I really appreciated the tips and insights on the Zarrow shuffle.



The lecture was great just like his book. Really enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone at Vanishing Inc.



Harapan was excellent! He's one of my favorites and I can't wait to practice the Zarrow shuffle as well as the tricks he taught. One minor technical quibble - Andi/Harapan's voice was not in synch with the video. Please try and fix for the next lecture. But otherwise, absolutely wonderful and thanks again!

VI Monthly


SO GOOD. Part of it might be that Harapan is an actual teacher, but everything he goes over is totally clear, practical, useful, and wonderful. If they announced a future Masterclass lecturer was "Sharapan Kong" and it was Harapan in a big fake handlebar mustache and a monocle I would not cry foul.



FANTASTIC LECTURE! Meaningful magic, wonderful theory and clear instructions! Thanks so much!

VI Monthly


Harapan has quite a brilliant mind and has a unique creative way of looking at magic. This lecture was GREAT !!

VI Monthly


Harapan is an awesome teacher!!! This is EXACTLY what the Masterclass should be. Best one I've watched (and I've watched them all).



This was an awesome well structured lesson learnt so much.

VI Monthly




VI Monthly

Mark C.



Best one yet.



VI Monthly






Great tricks and information but just too much. It was hard to follow at times. I would love to see the theory portion given more time.




Community questions about Harapan Ong Masterclass

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Edward asks: Am I reading it right that this is 2 lectures + Zoom instead of the usual 3 lectures + Zoom? Or is there another lecture missing from the agenda?

    • 1. Samuel answers: In the video Mr. Ong explains that the third lecture will be on theory. He makes a specific point to say that there will be tricks to help explain the theory. If the class is anywhere near as good as the book this should be magnificent.
    • 2. Dave answers: According the video its 3 lectures and one Q&A for a total of 4 sessions.
    • 3. Ethan answers: Recently I believe Vanishing Inc. Changed the format a bit. Before there was 3, 1-hour lectures (each with an extra 30 min Q+A) and 1 zoom call. But now it is 2, 1-and a half hour sessions plus a zoom call. Although this format was changed, the amount of teaching is the same as you still get over 3 hours of lecturing, it is just pushed into 2 meetings and without the Q+A which can be saved for the zoom session. Hope this helps!
    Post an answer to this question
  • Ricardo asks: Same question as Carly, is this masterclass just 2 days of masterclass and the third one is the zoom call? Is this how you gonna roll from now on?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
  • Kim asks: Wondered why the shift from 3 lectures then zoom to two lectures and a zoom as an ongoing thing? Is it to get more lecturers in a year? If so, Assuming next lecturer after Ong”s will start in June then?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes it will be, but you still receive the same amount of teaching. The two lectures are half an hour longer to make up for it.
  • Gordon asks: You should announce to your subscribers that you're changing to only 2 lectures. (All of your promotional material still says it is three.) There's no question here, other than "what the heck?"

    • 1. Cory answers: Nor I but it is what it is
    • 2. Colin answers: Not a big fan of the format change - 2 lectures and a zoom -
    Post an answer to this question
  • Steven asks: What time of day will these go live? I'm on eastern standard time

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: 1:00pm PT, which is 4:00pm ET.
  • HAN asks: How do I access the lecture after I purchased it?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Each lecture will be available in your account area after it has aired. The First lecture airs on the 6th June.
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