Bicycle Passport Project Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Magic Dream
30.00 In stock - very few available.
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Bicycle Passport Project Playing Cards

30.00 usd

Deck of cards by Magic Dream (30.00)

In stock - very few available.

Bicycle Passport Playing Cards are so much more than just another deck of cards. They are an incredibly powerful tool designed exclusively to help you perform amazing card tricks and take your spectators on an amazing journey.

The Passport Project is a unique 56-card deck printed by the United States Playing Card Company that comes sealed in a one-of-a-kind tuck case with a personalized seal. The backs of each card feature a Bicycle Maiden Back design infused with the flags of different countries.

  • 52 cards with flags on the back (no Jokers)
  • 2 additional Flag cards for a Rainbow Deck effect with the 4 Aces
  • 1 double-backer (USA flag)
  • 1 cheat sheet card to help you learn the name and position of each flag in the deck

The Bicycle Passport Deck also comes in a way that can be easily stacked in Mnemonica order. So, you'll have a variety of powerful routines at your disposal right out of the box.

The included hour-long tutorial showcases more than 10 routines!

Card collectors will absolutely love the gilding effect on the back, while the distinct design of each flag will add a vibrant splash of color to all your favorite cardistry flourishes.

The Bicycle Passport Project is a true world tour for all magicians, cardists and deck collectors!

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