Hat Tricks

Magic download (video) by Paul Romhany and Danny Weiser

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Hat Tricks

10.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Paul Romhany and Danny Weiser (10.00)

Hat Tricks - magic
Hat Tricks Hat Tricks

3 visual tricks for TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook or any other social media platform packed into 1 awesome download! This is an unbelievable value!

Brought to by the creative minds of Danny Weiser and Paul Rohmany, Hat Tricks features easy magic tricks that are super powerful and can be done with props you probably already have around your house. They are perfect for virtual magic shows.

Number 2
A fun and visual close-up magic effect for your social media videos. After taking the end off a pencil off and placing it in your mouth, it instantly jumps back onto the pencil...however, this time, it's impossibly in the middle. Then, it visually vanishes from the pencil and reappears in your mouth.

You introduce a lollipop and take off the wrapper so you can enjoy it. However, after you throw it away, it magically reappears on the lollipop.

Coin in Bottle
A quick and visual routine that uses a regular orange juice bottle and coins. This not only offers a stunning moment for virtual magic shows, but can be done live as well.

Download now to start learning right away!


Customer reviews for Hat Tricks



I will say that I mainly purchased this download for Re-Wrapped (the lollipop trick). It’s a great effect that can be prepared in less than five minutes and features an interesting method. The rest of the effects in this download aren’t great.

Number 2 (the pencil trick) is an interesting effect; aside from the vanish/reappearance of the eraser on the pencil, the method is nothing new and the effect itself is too short.

The coin in bottle routine is nothing spectacular. It’s designed to be an “impromptu” version of the classic plot, but in all honesty, stick with the basic folding coin method instead. With that being said, if you don’t have the aforementioned gimmick, this effect will work (just watch your lighting. In the download, without going into detail, Paul inadvertently flashed the method in the performance).

All in all, it’s an okay download. If you’re new to camera trick magic or just want ideas to create your own effects, this is a download for you.


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