Visual Pen

Trick by Axel Vergnaud
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Visual Pen

40.00 usd

Trick by Axel Vergnaud (40.00)

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Visual Pen - magic
Visual Pen Visual Pen Visual Pen Visual Pen

Visually vanish or transform Sharpie right in front of their eyes.

"Visual Pen" by Axel Vergnaud is a super visual and easy to do effect in which you can make a Sharpie disappear or even transform into a playing card or bill. When you first open it up, you won't be able to stop watching the change in the mirror. It's mind-blowing.

Imagine your spectator chooses a playing card which you then make disappear. You then take out your Sharpie pen and, in the blink of an eye, while holding the cap, the base of the pen turns into a playing card. But, not just any card. Their card!

Or, how about adding some magic flair when you introduce a Sharpie into your routine. Display an all-black marker that morphs, in two visual phases, into a normal Sharpie that can be given away for examination.

While "Visual Pen" looks like a social media magic trick, it's very practical for close-up magic workers. It resets in seconds, so you can use it for tablehopping magic or street magic.

The "Visual Pen" works with any regular Sharpie. It doesn't take up much space and can always be carried with you. You'll learn everything you need to know, including some of the strongest effects, in the included instructional video.


Customer reviews for Visual Pen



The Video is nearly seventeen minutes play time, video is visual only, with music going on, you need to wear a loose jacket to be able to perform these, comes with two black to fading Sharpie labels for the first colour change, and two grey regular ones too. And the Sharpie to card gimmick too.
Nothing new, except these are the combined gimmicks and routines.


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