
Magic download (video) by Ji Feng

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Magic download (video) by Ji Feng (22.95)

Nobody - magic
Nobody Nobody

Visual and imaginative sleight of hand coin magic at it's best. "Nobody" by Ji Feng features a ton of fun moves, productions and vanishes you'll love practicing and performing, including an amazing visual coin vanish system.

"This project has some really fun ideas! A joy to watch." Danny Goldsmith

No gimmicks are required to perform these modern visual coin magic effects. Just some coins and your hands.

You'll learn:

  • One Finger Vanish
  • One Tap Vanish
  • Wave Vanish
  • Hook Production / Switch
  • The PLS System
  • And a fun routine

Download "Nobody" by Ji Feng to start learning this amazing coin magic today!

Runtime: 26 Minutes | English Subtitles


Customer reviews for Nobody



I've lapped before, but this guy is good, most of mine were from Harry Lorraine . He had a cigarette in his mouth most of the time , so he had that as misdirection .All he had to do was lift up his hand while taking a draw on his cig and it was gone.



it is all about lapping. the vanishing is good but the real gem is his Lapping syetems.


Community questions about Nobody

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Brian asks: what is the skillset required for the sleights?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's definitely intermediate to advanced
  • Leslie asks: I learned lapping from Slydini . Will Ji Feng teach advanced or superior lapping?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It will be different. Impossible to say if it is superior or not, as that's quite subjective.
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