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You're good at magic. You handle your effects and routines pretty well. Your shows get a good response. There's nothing fundamentally wrong and yet in your heart you know that your magic performance could be better. There's something missing ... the X factor that big name magicians bask in, with confidence that brings them more bookings, bigger fees and an inner satisfaction that says they are better than most. Everybody who steps onto a stage has this potential and it is nothing to do with magic technique. It's to do with you and how the world sees you. Now, successful advertising man John Derris - with 60 years of magic behind him - reveals how on retirement he adapted his corporate and marketing experience to magic. And how he turned professional and toured the world with this simplified system of magic presentation. It's called KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid - and it took him to Paris, Athens, Marbella, St. Petersburg, Copenhagen, Osaka, Casablanca, Istanbul and Buckingham Palace! A taste of what's inside KISS:
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