Arms and Armaments of the American Revolution Playing Cards

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Arms and Armaments of the American Revolution Playing Cards

4.99 usd

Deck of cards by (4.99)

In stock - very few available.

Rediscover the American Revolution with this attractive collection of fact-filled card games.

The "Arms and Armaments of the American Revolution Playing Cards" presents expertly-researched descriptions and vivid illustrations of 52 different vessels and weapons used by the Continental Army and the British and French soldiers. Included in the deck are muskets, rifles, pistols, cannon, bayonets and pole arms, knives and axes, swords, artillery, and infantry ammunition and accouterments.

The descriptions explain how the weapons were made with the materials available at the time, and also how the weapons were strategically used during battle. Also included in the deck are vessels used during the American Revolution such as warships and small boats. The playing card deck includes 54 cards and instructions for playing an Authors-style card game. The deck is also suitable for most traditional card games. Great for military history buffs, as well as family fun.

Bridge size playing cards.

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