Blow Hard

Trick by Ryan Plunkett and Magic Shop San Diego
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Blow Hard

59.95 usd

Trick by Ryan Plunkett and Magic Shop San Diego (59.95)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.
Blow Hard - magic
Blow Hard Blow Hard Blow Hard Blow Hard

An entertaining and fooling modern twist on the classic light/heavy illusion. You’ll have as much fun performing this as your audiences will have watching it.

“Blow Hard” by Ryan Plunkett is the unique, in-one gem you’ve been looking for. It’s the perfect solution for any magician looking to add something a little different to their set.

Don’t let the compact size fool you either. “Blow Hard” is one of the easiest way to astound audiences of any size. It is the true definition of packs small, plays big.

“It’s rare to see an illusion as visceral as 'Blow Hard'. This one’s not just fooling. This one gets audible gasps.” Michael Feldman

You place a vintage-looking wooden toy in your mouth and start blowing air through it, making the ball at the end hover in the air like "magic". Of course, it's not a real magic trick because your audience can clearly see how it's done.

...or so they think.

Their brains will melt as you tap the ball with the toy to show that it's actually solid. It is not light foam like they had assumed. They won’t believe their eyes OR ears when you then drop the ball and it hits the ground with a loud THUD.

This is an impressive moment on its own. But, you then take things to an entirely different level as you reveal that the ball is actually a delicate, real egg. Their jaws will drop to the floor as you crack the egg into a glass.

“‘Blow Hard’ has one of those rare moments in magic that sneaks up on you and then kicks you in the head.” Brent Braun

  • Easy to do
  • Professional quality props
  • Perfect for any audience of any size
  • A ton of fun to perform

“‘Blow Hard’ starts as a silly sight gag and quickly transforms into a surreal piece of hard-hitting magic. A rare combo on the market that I love to see!” Kyle Littleton

Offering multiple twists and turns combined with a stunning magical finale, “Blow Hard” is an excellent piece of magic that gives every audience a moment of pure joy. It’s a ton of fun to perform and you’ll find yourself looking for every opportunity to use it.

“Blow Hard” comes with all the necessary props (except for the real egg and glass). You’re really going to love how clever and motivated everything is, particularly the egg switch. The detailed video instructions teach you everything you need to get start practicing and performing right away.

Full Performance of "Blow Hard" by Ryan Plunkett

Important credit: During production, we discovered that Nick Diffatte had worked on a similar concept years prior: the light/heavy ball with a Blow Toy. Although unpublished, credit is due to Nick’s similar thinking of Blow Hard.


Customer reviews for Blow Hard



This is a great piece for just about any place in the act. The kicker ending is great, but even without it this is so much fun. That ball hitting the table or floor is a great moment.



This is a keeper. Great opener.



Performing for children very often I always try to find new and funny tricks. This one has turned out to be very effective, you should see the big eyes of the kids when the hard ball drops down like a stone!



A fun and entertaining trick. Well made, and everyone remembers having this toy as a kid. Great intro piece or just a silly little bit of magic! Enjoy it



Ryan always puts out complete work. This is no exception. This is a very visually interesting and fun piece you can add into your show almost anywhere. It has an almost comedic presence with a double whammy hit that kills.
The packaging is by far the best packaging I have ever seen hands down. The props are fantastic and are easily stored and transported. All you have to provide is your own egg and glass if you want to do that.
The egg ending is great, but not required if you do not want to do so, but the trick is so good you might as well.
The instruction video is on the shorter side compared to others, however, it covers everything you need to know. This is a fantastic product that I do not want anyone to get, since it will be one of the best tricks of the year for sure!



Whimsical, wonderful, magical, and entertaining! For me this trick checks all of the boxes. Quality props and gimmicks ready to go right into your act. Tutorial was excellent. Teaching is clear and thorough. Fun new addition to my repertoire.



The light and heavy plot has always been interesting but Ryan managed to make this into something more engaging and fun. It has a great premise and every move is motivated. Whether or not you do the egg ending is up to you and either way it's still baffling. Also it's super fun to practice as well. Hopefully they sell replacement box because it might be the part where it wears the fastest.



Excellent routine. So creative, simple and mind blowing.



This is fresh, unique and fun!


Community questions about Blow Hard

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Tom asks: Can this be done without a jacket on? I loose my jacket early in my routine. Thanks.

    • 1. Ryan Plunkett (creator) responds: No jacket is required for Blow Hard.
  • Paul asks: How about a vest? Is the gimmick held well enough that a vest will work?

    • 1. Ryan Plunkett (creator) responds: Nothing is attached to the jacket. So, any shirt, vest, or jacket may be worn.
  • Marco asks: Does it require a real white egg? ?? something we don’t have in the UK

    • 1. Adam answers: You could use a white duck egg.
    • 2. Ryan Plunkett (creator) responds: One real white egg is used per performance, if performing the routine as taught. We had no problem finding white eggs in the UK at Sainsbury’s during Blackpool.
    • 1. Adam answers: You could use a white duck egg.
  • James asks: Suitable for close-up?

    • 1. Ryan Plunkett (creator) responds: Yes.
  • john asks: Nice routine with some casual switches- I like it. What is the white ball made of that falls to the floor. Curious if it is a possible concern for damaging floors that are tile or hardwood, for example.

    • 1. Ryan Plunkett (creator) responds: The heavy ball is solid iron. I would avoid dropping it on tile.
  • Joseph asks: Would it be possible to substitute a plastic egg filled with soap and a fake yolk like the Vernet Silk to Egg? I’m guessing the answer is yes, but wanted to suggest it for our friend above from the UK…

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can change the ball into anything. It can be a real egg or a fake egg.
  • Adam asks: The effect looks so good, I live in uk and never seen a white egg, where can they be bought from in uk, as want this in my act looks great??

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You don't have to use the egg ending. It is just a kicker. However, you can choose to vanish the ball at the end rather than change it.
  • Jørund asks: This is not a question but a sugestion to those having a hard time finding a white egg. Just paint the egg white with som acrylic paint/spray paint etc.

    • 1. Mark answers: I live in the UK and do silk to egg with a white egg EVERY show. Finding white eggs is really no problem. They sell then in Sainsbury's, M&S, Waitrose, Booths, ASDA, Aldi, Co Op, and Morrisons. It seems to be the biggest misconception in British magic.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Pete asks: The white heavy ball is magnetic material ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The heavy ball is magnetic.
  • Alan asks: Will you be carrying “spares / refills” thanks in advance

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: In the future
  • Danny asks: Curious to know if Ryan does this as a silent performance or if that was only for the filming of the effect?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: He normally does it silently.
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