Introducing ShareMagic and How you Can Get Involved

By Vanishing Inc. - Saturday, September 25, 2021

Anyone who has ever met Josh, Andi, or any other member of the Vanishing Inc. team, knows that magic runs in our blood. Since the first day Vanishing Inc. was launched, we have always been committed to being more than “just another magic shop”. Simply put, everything we do revolves around our core goal of improving the art of magic.

sharemagic vanishing inc charitable fund

Yet, we also know that we could never do this alone. That’s why we are so grateful to all of you who have graciously helped us share magic by donating to our Vanishing Inc. charity fund—ShareMagic. Your contributions have allowed us to change the lives of 1,000s of magicians.

As a thank you for your unwavering generosity, we’ve put together a special program with free content just for you. But, first, we want to take a look back at the impact ShareMagic has already had.

Magic Scholarships

Throughout the years, hundreds of aspiring magicians have been able to attend our magic conventions for free as a result of the ShareMagic fund. Anyone who has ever attended a magic convention like Magifest or The Session knows that nothing gets your creativity and motivation flowing better than meeting with like-minded peers. For many young magicians, the chance to work directly with experienced magicians is a life-changing experience. No young magician should be denied this opportunity because of their economic status.

College of Magic

We also partnered with the College of Magic in South Africa to build a close-up theater and the “Vanishing Inc. Magic lab”—a special space filled with all the props and supplies needed to create magic tricks. This not only allows young children to follow their magic dreams, but boosts their confidence, creativity and social skills along the way. Today, the College of Magic is about as close to a real-life Hogwarts as you can get.

black female magician tessa evason of The Evasons is blindfolded on stage

Promoting Diversity

Working with the College of Magic in South Africa was also part of a broader continued mission to promote diversity and inclusion in magic. We truly believe that the more diverse magic becomes, the brighter its future will be.

That is why, thanks to your donations, we've also been able to start developing books that will play a crucial role in spreading awareness about some important magic topics. These include a detailed exploration of the history of Black magicians, a book written for children that highlights influential female magicians, and a lengthy treatise offering a more inclusive look at the history of magic from one of magic’s most revered authors.

Free Videos for Magicians

None of this would have been possible without you. If you’ve ever rounded up an order to donate to our charity or made a separate contribution, no matter how big or small, you’ve made a difference. Every single cent has gone toward one thing, and one thing alone—advancing the art of magic.

As our thank you for your help, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of In addition to being the main hub for learning more about Vanishing Inc.’s ShareMagic charity, and donating, this special website will host a library of incredible videos that you can watch for free.

There is already some amazing content that you can watch right now. This includes Joshua Jay’s “Magic by the Numbers”, Andi Gladwin’s “Creativity by Analysis”, and Warner Reich’s discussion of how he used magic to survive Nazi Concentration camps. More content will be added regularly.

The Future of ShareMagic

Over the last year, we’ve worked hard to create a framework for the future of ShareMagic. While we’ve already accomplished some truly remarkable things, the best is yet to come. Keep an eye out for announcements about some dream projects that we hope to put into motion very soon.

We also feel it’s important to stop and thank you so much for all your help. We’ve been moved beyond words by your generosity in making all of this possible. And we hope you enjoy, and are inspired by, the free ShareMagic videos.

ShareMagic is donation based. So, yes, we do depend on your donations at, or when completing a Vanishing Inc. order, to keep pushing the program forward. However, we also have one other simple request for you:

Share magic.

If you have any magician friends you think would enjoy these free videos, please send them the ShareMagic page. They can also download our five-hour ShareMagic: Live online magic convention for free. The more people that watch these videos, the more we can all share magic. Together.

Donate Now

Reader comments:


Sunday, 26 September 2021 14:47 PM - Reply to this comment

Just watched Warner Reich’s discussion with JJ at Magifest! Wow, what a story of perseverance, humility, and love for magic… truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

I want to share on FB, but it doesn’t seem to be possible… am I missing something or is the only way to share by sending email?

Thanks again!

Kindest regards,
Ian Kent

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