Magifest 2023 Preview: Kyle Purnell
By Vanishing Inc. - Thursday, December 29, 2022
Kyle Purnell is one of the most creative magicians in the world. He has regularly rocked the magic world with wildly creative card magic (like “Big Picture”, as well as ton of other amazing gimmicks and ideas. It is no wonder why magicians from Michael Ammar to Shin Lim have used Kyle’s magic in their own shows.
At Magifest, he’ll be presenting a brand new lecture featuring some of his most mind-blowing work yet. It’s a can’t-miss event filled with practical material that will also kick your own creativity into hyperdrive.
Before then though, let’s check in with Kyle for a fun game of two truths and a lie. Can you figure out which one he’s lying about?
Two Truths & a Lie: Kyle Purnell
Kyle Purnell is one of the most creative magicians in the world. He has regularly rocked the magic world with wildly creative card magic (like “Big Picture”, as well as ton of other amazing gimmicks and ideas. It is no wonder why magicians from Michael Ammar to Shin Lim have used Kyle’s magic in their own shows.
At Magifest, he’ll be presenting a brand new lecture featuring some of his most mind-blowing work yet. It’s a can’t-miss event filled with practical material that will also kick your own creativity into hyperdrive.
Before then though, let’s check in with Kyle for a fun game of two truths and a lie. Can you figure out which one he’s lying about?
Two Truths & a Lie: Kyle Purnell
Kyle Purnell is one of the most creative magicians in the world. He has regularly rocked the magic world with wildly creative card magic (like “Big Picture”, as well as ton of other amazing gimmicks and ideas. It is no wonder why magicians from Michael Ammar to Shin Lim have used Kyle’s magic in their own shows.
At Magifest, he’ll be presenting a brand new lecture featuring some of his most mind-blowing work yet. It’s a can’t-miss event filled with practical material that will also kick your own creativity into hyperdrive.
Before then though, let’s check in with Kyle for a fun game of two truths and a lie. Can you figure out which one he’s lying about?
Two Truths & a Lie: Kyle Purnell
Kyle Purnell is one of the most creative magicians in the world. He has regularly rocked the magic world with wildly creative card magic (like “Big Picture”, as well as ton of other amazing gimmicks and ideas. It is no wonder why magicians from Michael Ammar to Shin Lim have used Kyle’s magic in their own shows.
At Magifest, he’ll be presenting a brand new lecture featuring some of his most mind-blowing work yet. It’s a can’t-miss event filled with practical material that will also kick your own creativity into hyperdrive.
Before then though, let’s check in with Kyle for a fun game of two truths and a lie. Can you figure out which one he’s lying about?
Two Truths & a Lie: Kyle Purnell
In February 2021, Kyle donated his right kidney to his grandfather
Kyle played the trumpet from the time he was 10 all the way through grad school
One of Kyle’s proudest accomplishments is conquering a giant chocolate chip Pop Tart rock wall and ringing the bell when he was 10
It was #1. While Kyle has given the gift of life as a kidney donor, it wasn’t for either of his grandparents. In fact, it was to a woman he’s not even related too. Kyle is not just a great magician, but a great human too.
Oh, and it was his LEFT kidney not his right one.

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