Ask VI Anything

By Damian Jennings - Friday, November 6, 2020

Here at Vanishing Inc. we pride ourselves on our transparency and honesty.

To that end, we’re opening the kimono on all things VI - and magic in general.

Josh and Andi will be answering your questions live and it will be made available after the event on The Insider podcast stream too.

Ever wondered how we pick what books we produce? Want to know our best selling deck of cards in the last 12 months? Wondered about how our free shipping works?

Anything you want to know about VI at all?

Well, just ask away.

And if you have more general magic questions, Josh and Andi will be more than happy to answer them too.

The first of these live extravaganzas will take place on November 15th at 2.30pm New York time. Be sure to keep an eye on our social media to be reminded.

To submit questions ahead of time, please email us with the subject line: Question for the AMA.

If you want to ask your question live, let us know in the email and we’ll pick some of you to join in the fun on the day.

Reader comments:


Saturday, 07 November 2020 08:01 AM - Reply to this comment

There’s no email address …


Saturday, 07 November 2020 17:28 PM



Saturday, 14 November 2020 20:28 PM - Reply to this comment

Good evening, just found this.
I am at the Magic Circle open evening invite tomorrow night 15th at the same time in the UK.

I hope there will be a future date and I would be pleased to join and ask at least one question.

Kind regards to both,

David Hand
Treasurer, Hull Magicians Circle

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