The Insider | Doug Dyment

By Damian Jennings - Monday, February 15, 2021

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Hello and welcome Season 5 of The Insider! Nice to be back.

I think this episode is a rarity. It's the first of a 2-part interview with the amazing mentalist Doug Dyment. When I was researching him for the show, there's very little online to go on. Very little in the way of interviews or podcasts. He tends keeps himself to himself. We were incredibly lucky he agreed to this, and as it was so interesting, and we recorded almost an hour of questions, I thought I'd break it into a two parter. I hope you enjoy spending some time in his company.

As promised in the show, here's a link to his site: and here is the link to the questions to ask yourself about your character:

If you'd not noticed, we're also trying video of the show now, so the video of this is below and also on our YouTube channel. Let me know if you like the video, or if you prefer just the audio. You can drop me a line at damian @

And of course, you can pick up your copy of Doug's book here: Calculated Thoughts

Reader comments:


Tuesday, 23 February 2021 23:46 PM - Reply to this comment

Just started reading his book and this was a very nice adjunct. Very much looking forward to part 2.

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