Lincoln Hiatt & Andrew Golder | Fool Us Special

By Damian Jennings - Monday, February 21, 2022

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You've got a week to apply to get on the next season of Fool Us. And in this episode, the show's producers explain exactly how to apply and what they're looking for. They also share what not to do. Incredible stories about the history of the show and how you can be part of the future of it.

And here's how to apply:

Final Call for season 9. Casting deadline Feb 28.

Send submissions to

Also some announcements and a little bit of behind the scenes on instagram - @ptfoolus

And here are the submission guidelines:

Submission guidelines:

  • Please submit a recording of your routine as you would perform it on our show. Unlisted links to vimeo or youtube are preferred.

  • We don't require a live audience or a stage, but record the video as if you were performing in front of Penn and Teller / or via remote to our studio.

  • Professional video is not necessary. Cell phone video is fine with clean picture and sound.

  • We love original magical acts with novel and clever methods and/or presentation.

  • Routines should be 3-5 minutes in length.

  • Videos should be unedited.

  • Please make sure we can see your face in the video, even for close up routines.

  • For close up/card tricks, be sure the camera is close enough to read the cards.

  • Send your trick to

  • Production May 2-11.

  • EXTENDED DEADLINE February 28, 2022

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