The Insider | Rune Klan - Live

By Damian Jennings - Monday, January 20, 2020

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Welcome to the second in a special series of three episodes of the show we recorded live at The Session 2020.

Rune Klan is a hugely famous magician in Denmark where he has quarter of a million followers on Facebook. He has been a serious coin and card magician, a stand up comic, a comedy magician, a writer, an actor and now is about to embark on a 4 month massive theater tour.

In this show we talk about honesty, how he created a full theater show about the fact he cannot have kids, improv, comedy, and a little bit about magic too.

Rune Klan live at The Session

Rune Klan live listening intently at The Session

Rune Klan being honest at The Session

Rune Klan being honest again at The Session

Photos thanks to

Reader comments:


Thursday, 22 April 2021 00:10 AM - Reply to this comment

You said you'd post links to Tricky Leaks - but I don't see them. Please do - thanks!


Tuesday, 27 April 2021 07:38 AM - Reply to this comment

Can't post links in the blog comments, but if you search for Rune's YouTube channel, you'll find them!

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