Magifest is Back, Baby (And Don't Call Me Baby)
By Joshua Jay - Thursday, June 3, 2021
Andi and I have been organizing Magifest for the last eleven years, and it's happened every year for 89 years running. That means Magifest occurred every January since before World War II. Our little gathering has chugged along through all sorts of crises and historical events, but it has never been tested like it was in 2020. We feared that for the first time ever, the Magifest would need to be canceled. But we're thrilled to announce that it will take place...just a little later than usual.

This does provide the rare opportunity to enjoy Magifest without fear of being snowed in! September in Ohio is lovely, and yet another reason to be excited about Magifest.
The main reason we are excited is that after 18 months of being isolated, we're just excited to visit with friends and jam on magic. We've carefully followed CDC guidelines and the latest Marriot Hotel advisories, and we have a plan of action that makes our top priority the safety of our guests. Registration will be more limited this year, so if you have not yet registered, do so now please.
Register here

What We're Excited About
Here are some things that excite us about the Magifest this year:
Our Guest of Honor is Steve Cohen. Steve almost never leaves New York City when his acclaimed show is running, but he will be with us all weekend so that we can honor his many achievements in magic.
Nate Staniforth, one of our favorite magic performers and writers, is making a rare convention appearance. He will perform, lecture, and conduct a workshop.
There are ten full shows this year. We put the emphasis on performing, since that is what we missed the most.

The Jamming: Our new hotel lobby is perfect for late-night jam sessions, so bring a deck of cards and your favorite magician-fooler.
A note about the hotel: our convention hotel is fully booked, but the Sheraton Hotel is a breezy five-minute walk away, and rooms are still available there. We suggest reserving your place at the Sheraton as soon as you've registered.
We'll see you there.
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