Letters From Juan - Vol. 5

Book by Juan Tamariz
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Letters From Juan - Vol. 5

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Book by Juan Tamariz (24.95)

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Letters From Juan - Vol. 5 - magic
Letters From Juan - Vol. 5 Letters From Juan - Vol. 5

The penultimate release in the limited edition "Letters From Juan" series by Juan Tamariz has arrived and contains an incredible selection of new material. Join The Maestro as he reflects on 50 years of traveling and performing by, once again, penning a letter to his dearest friend…you!

Letters From Juan is an innovative new approach to learning magic from the legendary Juan Tamariz. Instead of being laid out like a traditional magic book, Juan presents everything as a letter to a close magical friend. Letters from Juan - Volume 5 marks the second to last book in the landmark six-part series.

Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, and Volume 4 are available separately. Each book is a limited one-time printing.

In Letters from Juan - Vol. 5 you'll learn methods for several unpublished effects. Juan also shares his notes & tips for presentations, as well as variations and plot history. Everything has been translated from Spanish to English by Rafael Benatar.

Contents of Letters From Juan Volume 5

Letter from Juan
Juan begins this letter with a critical examination of why he surrounds himself with the audience in a formal close-up setting. This is a deep dive into some of the theory that makes his shows so energetic and memorable.

Tweezers: A Two-Card Monte
An astonishing variation on the classic two-card Monte effect using Juan’s innovative tweezers move. The magician never touches the Monte cards, and yet they impossibly switch with a pair of cards used as tweezers that have been used to keep the magician honest!

Dupeless Transpo
A transposition routine that can be performed with a borrowed shuffled deck that is in use. This transposition of two cards is extremely clean and doesn’t use any duplicates.

Juan has tirelessly worked for years to blend two effects into a seamless routine. For you, his friend, he couldn’t stop there and added a third effect to create a powerhouse routine. Three cards, three packets, and three phases. Cards rise to the top of packets, reverse themselves, and travel to the performer’s pockets.

Impromptu Total Coincidence
Juan’s legendary trick Total Coincidence in which the mates of selected cards are found in the same position of a shuffled deck, and then the entire deck re-orders itself so that all the mates match has long required a special setup done well before the performance takes place. Now, Juan has developed a charming routine that provides strong magic along the way while you set up the Total Coincidence effect right under their nose. Your audience will never see this miracle coming.

"As a wise friend sharing love and guidance, Juan brings you into the fold with charm and warm words: showing his heuristic voyage with deep insight into some astonishing routines and philosophy. Each letter arrives with laughs and diverse ideas for the practical wonderworker. Having a pen pal has never been so exciting!" Paul Vigil

"Just when you think Juan has given us his all, a new project appears and it is extraordinary! ‘Letters from Juan’ allows Juan to share more of his ideas with everyone he loves. A wide variety of Juan's magic is covered in these letters. Juan’s letter on “Secrets” was a real inspiration. I won’t spoil it, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did." Gary Plants

Softcover | 44 Pages | Perfect Bound


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  • Leon asks: I have Vols 1-4 already and they are great! I see Vol 5 is available. When will Vol 6 be available? I would like to order at same time.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's your lucky day! https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/magic-books/letters-from-juan-vol-6/
  • Prahlad asks: Is the write up of impromptu total coincidence different from what appears on magic from the heart?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is the same effect but re published
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