Magic by Eric Hawkesworth

A Magic Variety Show Book
A Magic Variety Show
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 9.95

If you need a source for some different types of magic not covered in other texts, try Eric Hawkesworth's A Magic Variety Show!Eric shows you how...

Conjuring Book
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 14.95

This is a great collection of magic for any stand-up performer. You'll learn productions, cards, mentalism and so much more!With so many different...

Rag Picture Shows Book
Rag Picture Shows
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 14.95

Rag pictures are geometric "cut-out" shapes composed of felt, plastic, foam, etc. When put on a black (typically felt) background by magnets,...

Puppet Shows to Make Book
Puppet Shows to Make
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 14.95

If you are a puppeteer or are thinking of being one, this book should be in your library. This comprehensive text not only covers living marionettes,...