Magic by Rune Klan

We are proud to be the official magic shop for Rune's magic. We published his wildly popular book, Rune's World and his download, CoinRunique Rune's magic is outstanding and we carry his full line.
Rune's World Sampler Magic download (video)
Rune's World Sampler
Magic download (video) by Rune Klan - Free

See the crazy Dane in action, for free right now! Rune Klan is the most famous magician you’ve never heard of, and even if you have seen clips on...

Klink Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Klink
Magic download (video) by Rune Klan - 12.00

Denmark's Rune Klan is back with an elegant coin sequence that is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for formal performances. He developed this routine to be...

Rune Klan Masterclass Masterclass
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Rune Klan Masterclass
Masterclass by Rune Klan - 75.00

A once-in-a-lifetime chance to step directly into the workshop of one of magic’s most creative magicians. When we created our Vanishing Inc....

Barnløs Full show or download
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Barnløs
Full show or download by Rune Klan - $29.95

The greatest magic show you’ve never seen? Rune Klan is a household name in Denmark, and he created a national sensation in 2018 with his stage...

CoinRUNEque Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive CoinRUNEque
Magic download (video) by Rune Klan - 12.00

Rune Klan's coin magic started a revolution. His 3 Pieces of Silver is one of the best and most sought after coin magic videos ever recorded and...

Three Pieces of Silver DVD or download
Three Pieces of Silver
DVD or download by Rune Klan - $29.95

Rune Klan has become a public sensation for his comedy magic, but before that he was recognized by magicians as an exemplary coin technician. In...