Thumb Tip Classic

Accessory by Vernet
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Thumb Tip Classic

3.00 usd

Accessory by Vernet (From $2.95)

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This is the classic Vernet thumb tip.

The Vernet Thumb Tip Classic is one of the most useful items in magic that allows you to perform miracle effects. It can be used in close-up, parlor, stage magic or mentalism.

Available in both a classic hard version and less-shiny, more realistic soft version.

You can do vanishes, appearances, productions, transformations and restorations. It's perfect for amateurs and professionals.

Measurements: 1.9in x0.9in (48.3mm x 22.9mm)

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Customer reviews for Thumb Tip Classic

VI Monthly


What can one say about the tried-and-true-classic known as the thumb tip? It's been around for (what seems like) ever and the amount of effects you can pull off with one is limitless. I, personally, love performing effects off of Jay Sankey's Hundred Dollar Miracles project, which highlights the hundred dollar bill switch. Definitely a prop all of us should be familiar with and know how to do SOMETHING with. These are the best. Vernet makes the best, period.



There is a reason this company is known for making thumb tips. These thumb tips are simple, cheap and effective. Though they don’t look exactly like a thumb and aren’t super realistic, they are realistic enough to fool everyone. Originally magicians used flesh colored thimbles to perform some of the tricks a thumb tip is used on. And other magicians have used thumb tips colored bright red or silver to prove that, if you know how to use a thumb tip, you never need to have one that is realistic. So get one and learn how to use it and it will be your best friend. Easily an EDC.



It’s a thumb tip (and a good one)!
Probably should have a subscription service just for thumb tips……or maybe that’s just a me thing….. I like them fresh and new, and these are what you’re looking for, for the right price.


Dan Thorpe Guitar Ltd

You can't beat the Vernet Soft thumb tips. I have tried many different ones in the past and most have ended up in the bin and I bought another of these. So when I was looking for one for my son I headed straight for the Vernet classic.When I started to look at the different sizes and how they relate to the classic. If anything the medium is slightly bigger but you probably wouldn't notice. The classic was also slightly lighter and pink compared to the medium that is more tanned. That's that and all I can say these are the best thumbtips on the market.


Einar Aron

It's just a thumb tip. It's well made, works well for bill switch, vanishing hanky or these other thumb tip tricks. It lasts a long time and is cheap as well. Just purchase a few thumbs and keep everywhere, in your bag, your car, your jacket, your magic case.

VI Monthly


This is absolutely perfect for the bill switch or a 12” Diamond cut silk. It’s smooth, well made, and durable. So many miracles that can be accomplished with a thumb tip, it’s important to get one thats comfortable and will last… this is that thumbtip



Thumb tip is great. This one should be perfect, but you might also want to try the bigger size. Overall great product.



The Classic size thumbtip is perfect for Billswitch


Community questions about Thumb Tip Classic

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Robert asks: Is this the best tt for the bill switch..I know one makes the switch much smoother

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This one works well in my experience.
  • Ronald asks: what is the size

    • 1. Matthew answers: Medium.
    • 2. JosĂ© Alejandro answers: The size is pretty much a standard since medium size is a bit larger
    Post an answer to this question
  • Catherine asks: Do you carry this yhumb tip in Small? or a thumb tip for women. All the thumb tips are always too big

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You may want to try the Finger Tip Set. Finger tips often fit smaller thumbs.
  • David asks: Do you carry a metal version ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unfortunately not.
  • Brent asks: Do you carry the Vernet thumbtips that are a harder plastic as sold for many years.These Vernert are the soft version which isn't the best for many other effects..thank you.

    • 1. Jim answers:
    Post an answer to this question
  • Andrew asks: Is this latex? I'm looking for a thumb tip that can handle a little heat and not melt.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is a vinyl plastic mix. It will melt if you heat it up.
  • Gabriel asks: What is the practical difference between the classic hard soft versions, i.e. ease of getting bills etc. into/out of tt ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Exactly. The material is slightly different.
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