Hello MagicGeek fans!

Bad news — the MagicGeeks have moved on to bigger and more geekier things. That means that the store is no more.

Perhaps the product that you are looking for can be found below? If not, try searching using the box above.

49 Seconds - The Memory Routine of Luke Jermay  Book
49 Seconds - The Memory Routine of Luke Jermay
Book by Luke Jermay - 20.00

Luke Jermay, consultant for Criss Angel's Mind Freak show and Derren Brown's Tricks of the Mind has just released a piece from his personal...

Marksman Deck Performance Documentary Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Marksman Deck Performance Documentary
Magic download (video) by Luke Jermay - Free

In this free download you'll see Luke Jermay perform a full close-up show using the Marksman Deck. Enjoy this 45-minute performance documentary...

Luke Jermay LIVE! DVD
Luke Jermay LIVE!
DVD by Luke Jermay - 39.95

For several years Luke Jermay has been very influential in the world of modern magic and mentalism. His books have been applauded by critics and the...

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