Summer Sale 2023 | Team Picks - Mentalism
By Vanishing Inc. - Sunday, August 20, 2023
We read your mind and discovered you wanted to know the best mentalism picks in our 2023 Summer Sale. These are the best mentalism downloads you can get right now for 50%, as chosen by our team!
Don’t wait to download them! This sale ends August 23, 2023!
Jermay’s Mind
$75.00 or download for $75.00
Luke Jermay is one of the most influential mentalists of this era, and his bestselling release “Jermay’s Mind” is one of the most influential downloads. This is a must-watch for any mentalist, or even anyone with an interest in mentalism. You get over 8 hours of some of the most ground-breaking mentalism ever created. It’s a steal at full price. At half price, you’d have to be crazy to pass it up.
Get “Jermay’s Mind”
Conversation as Mentalism
Never get caught unready to perform. Mark Elsdon’s Conversation as Mentalism is an incredible collection of killer mentalism effects that you can perform anytime, anywhere without any props. These are tried-and-tested workers that are always ready to go. You can get each of the four ebooks separately, or get the most bang for your buck by getting the entire collection (and saving nearly 60%)
Get “Conversation as Mentalism”
Complete Easy Mentalism Course
New to mentalism? Well, our “Complete Easy Mentalism Course” is a hand-picked selection of eight of the best and easiest mind-reading tricks in the world. You’ll be able to instantly start amazing friends and family as soon as you’re done watching. And it costs less than a price of a sandwich during the sale!
Get “Complete Easy Mentalism Course”
This one really took us by surprise. “iPhone-a-Dex” is something Rob Ramirez had initially shared with us as a mentalism trick for beginners. But, upon a closer look, we realized this is a true worker. It’s two super easy novel methods for reading someone’s mind with an iPhone. One uses your phone and the other is completely impromptu and uses their phone. No apps are required for either. It’s super clever and only costs a couple bucks right now. Just get it. You won’t be disappointed.
Get “iPhone-a-Dex”

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