Magic by Al Schneider

Al Schneider Magic Book
Al Schneider Magic
Book by Al Schneider - 80.00

In the world of magic literature, where there's an overabundance of the ordinary, every so often, a book comes along that clearly stands out from the...

Al Schneider Volume 1 DVD
Al Schneider Volume 1
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

This DVD contains a collection of classic coin effects that Al Schneider has been working on for the last 50 years. The experiments presented are...

Al Schneider Volume 2 DVD
Al Schneider Volume 2
DVD by Al Schneider - 21.00 - normally $29.95

Research in this DVD is dedicated to locating routines that do not use gimmicks. In general, one can carry some simple props or even borrow...

Al Schneider Volume 3 DVD
Al Schneider Volume 3
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

In this set of experiments, we are looking for odd and novel methods and effects. The goal is to locate more effects that are cerebral. We want...

Al Schneider Cups & Balls DVD
Al Schneider Cups & Balls
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

From the L & L Underground Research Facility These experiments push the envelope of existing Cups and Balls technology far beyond its...

Al Schneider Magic Deluxe Edition Book
Al Schneider Magic Deluxe Edition
Book by Al Schneider - 175.00

Congrats on finding the Vanishing Inc. secret page for the final remaining copies of the deluxe version of Al Schneider Magic! These are the last 20...

The Al Schneider Technique - Vol 2: Close-up DVD
The Al Schneider Technique - Vol 2: Close-up
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

More than just a collection of tricks, the material demonstrated and taught in the second volume of Al Schneider's landmark video series could easily...

Al Schneider Linking Rings DVD
Al Schneider Linking Rings
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

Project Codeword: Quantum RingsFrom the L&L Underground Research Facility The goal for these experiments was to push the envelope of existing...

The Al Schneider Technique - Vol1: Theory & Magic DVD
The Al Schneider Technique - Vol1: Theory & Magic
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

Worth the cost of the entire series, this first volume in Al Schneider's landmark video series is a significant contribution to the why's and how's...

Al Schneider Stand Up #4, DVD DVD
Al Schneider Stand Up #4, DVD
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

Though he is known for his legendary close-up magic, Al Schneider is also an accomplished stand-up performer and on this volume, he performs and...

Al Schneider Lecture DVD DVD
Al Schneider Lecture DVD
DVD by Al Schneider - 40.00

Prior to recording this excellent lecture, Al Schneider presented a workshop for a group of 40 magicians. To those in the know, the name "Al...

More Close-Up Quick Tricks: Volume Three DVD
More Close-Up Quick Tricks: Volume Three
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95

A splendid opener for any close-up routine. Two cards are shown on both sides. The cards are placed together and a half-dollar drops out from between...

Al Schneider - Volumes 1-3 DVD
Al Schneider - Volumes 1-3
DVD by Al Schneider - 29.95 each

This set of 3 DVDs contain material from the great Al Schneider. Each volume has its own theme, and the material is unlike anything you have seen...