Magic by Ali Foroutan

Hypnosis by Ali Foroutan Magic download (ebook)
Hypnosis by Ali Foroutan
Magic download (ebook) by Ali Foroutan - 99.95

"Hypnosis by Ali Foroutan" is a collection of 12+ years worth of experience studying, practicing and performing hypnosis. This special...

The Vault - VOICELESS Magic download (video)
Magic download (video) by Ali Foroutan - 50.00

As a magician or mentalist, we should always be ready to astound our audiences, even if we have nothing prepared. With the 'VOICELESS' principle, you...

mindCAAN Magic download (video)
Magic download (video) by Ali Foroutan - 39.95

"No Other Method Can Achieve What Your Method Achieves."- Dan Harlan "To Be Honest, I Would Have More Than One Method To Achieve The...