Magic by Longlong

L-Box Trick
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 30.00

Developed by Chinese underground legend Longlong, the L-Box amplifies the abilities of the standard Boston Coin Box in unbelievably unique ways. The...

Twin Cube Trick
Twin Cube
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 74.95

A truly clever new Rubik's Cube magic prop from Magician Long Long and Bacon Magic. You start by introducing a regular sized Rubik's Cube and a Mini...

L Bell (Standard Version) Trick
L Bell (Standard Version)
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 74.95

A gorgeous, elegant, remote-controlled spirit bell. "L Bell" was developed by Magician Long Long and produced by Bacon Magic to offer...

The Vault - 11Touch Magic download (video)
The Vault - 11Touch
Magic download (video) by Longlong - 19.99

11TOUCH is our first exposure to the incredible magic teaching work of China's underground magician, Longlong. With years of accumulation and clever...

Dead Sea Trick
Dead Sea
Trick by Bacon Magic and Longlong - 55.00

Make not just one, but two glasses appear with this incredible addition to any stage magic, parlor magic or even close up magic show. "Dead...