Magic by Ran Pink

Conscious Magic Episode 2 DVD
Conscious Magic Episode 2
DVD by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink - 35.00

"When I see Ran or Andrew's name on a product I instantly want to learn it because I know it's going to be well thought out and above all a real...

Conscious Magic Episode 4 DVD
Conscious Magic Episode 4
DVD by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink - 35.00

Mentalists rejoice! Conscious Magic is back for a fourth episode of incredible mentalism to be used in real-world situations. Ran Pink...

Conscious Magic Episode 3 DVD
Conscious Magic Episode 3
DVD by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink - 35.00

"When I see Ran's or Andrew's name on a product, I instantly want to learn it because I know it's going to be well thought out and, above all, a...

The Vault - Conscious Magic Episode 1 Magic download (video)
The Vault - Conscious Magic Episode 1
Magic download (video) by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink - 25.00

Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard. If you know anything about modern mentalism, then those two names should make you sit up and take notice. And in The...

Conscious Magic Episode 5 DVD
Conscious Magic Episode 5
DVD by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink - 35.00

"Ran and Andrew share some serious secrets to performing real world material. This is my kind of magic!" - Dynamo "Our mission with...

Conscious Magic Trilogy  with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard DVD
Conscious Magic Trilogy with Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard
DVD by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink - 75.00

One negative about the current magic industry is that it no longer supports the production of DVDs that are filled with strong magic or mentalism....

Conscious Magic Episode 1 DVD
Conscious Magic Episode 1
DVD by Andrew Gerard and Ran Pink - 35.00

In this series Ran Pink and Andrew Gerard reveal their go-to routines that they perform in real life casual situations such as bars, house parties,...

P'ink Trick
Trick by Ran Pink - 29.95

Words change, drawings animate, spirits talk, matches un-burn. After years of research and development, Ran Pink has created...

Think Pink Magic download (ebook)
Think Pink
Magic download (ebook) by Ran Pink - 25.00

Ditch those bulky gimmicks and read minds with just a pen and paper! Think Pink has been a boon to mentalists all over the world for years, providing...

T-REX Book
Book by Ran Pink - 60.00

What mentalists are saying about T-REX: I really do like T-REX and have used it regularly over the last year. It is indeed excellent and...