Magic by Santa Magic

Magnetic Bicycle Card - Double Backer (2-Pack) Accessory
Magnetic Bicycle Card - Double Backer (2-Pack)
Accessory by Santa Magic - 12.95

Magnetic playing card printed with high-quality Bicycle playing card stock. You can use magnetic playing cards for a variety of card magic tricks,...

Finger Bird Trick
Finger Bird
Trick by Santa Magic - 25.00

This beloved classic close up magic effect is finally back in production after many years. "Finger Bird" is a Chazpro Magic classic.It is...

Magnetic Bicycle Playing Card (Blank Face) Accessory
Magnetic Bicycle Playing Card (Blank Face)
Accessory by Santa Magic - 13.95

2-pack of magnetic playing cards. Signature Chazpro magnetic cards using a neodymium magnet instead of the common weaker sheet magnet. Made from...

Lots-A-Coins Cup (aka Leprechaun Sucker Cup) Trick
Lots-A-Coins Cup (aka Leprechaun Sucker Cup)
Trick by Chazpro and Santa Magic - From $35.95

Building on a classic idea from Chuck Leach of Chazpro, the "Lots-A-Coins Cup" (or "Leprechaun Cup") is like a compact "Lota...

Deck Shell 2.0 Set Trick
Deck Shell 2.0 Set
Trick by Chazpro and Santa Magic - 49.95

The "Deck Shell" does for card magic what the coin shell did for coin magic. "Deck Shell 2.0" is a new and improved version of...

Twas the Night Before Christmas (A Magical Presentation) Trick
Twas the Night Before Christmas (A Magical Presentation)
Trick by Santa Magic - 39.99

Few books are considered an American "classic" and become ingrained in the popular culture internationally. But Clement Clarke Moore's,...

Mental Telepathy Cards Trick
Mental Telepathy Cards
Trick by Chazpro and Santa Magic - 19.95

A fun and fooling effect that will dazzle every audience, even difficult hecklers. An audience member turns over one card and then conceals all the...

Shamrock Cup Trick
Shamrock Cup
Trick by Santa Magic and The Magic Store - From $45.00

A beloved prop available once again! Chuck Leach of Chazpro first introduced his "Leprechaun Cups" in the mid-90s. It was a collection of...

Chameleon Crayons Trick
Chameleon Crayons
Trick by Chazpro and Santa Magic - 44.95

"Chameleon Crayons" fun and visual effect that delights all audiences. It's perfect for close up magic and parlor and stage magic (both...

Magnetic Bicycle Card - Double Facer (2-Pack) Accessory
Magnetic Bicycle Card - Double Facer (2-Pack)
Accessory by Chazpro and Santa Magic - 13.95

Each magnetic card contains an extremely thin, yet super powerful Neodymium magnet. It is capable of holding heavy loads like steel core half...

Buddha Slot Box (Quarter or Half Dollar) Trick
Buddha Slot Box (Quarter or Half Dollar)
Trick by Chazpro, Santa Magic and The Magic Store - From $44.95

Coins impossibly vanish and penetrate through an examinable brass box with the "Professional Buddha Slot Box", the ultimate choice in...

Naughty or Nice Divining Rod - Trick
Naughty or Nice Divining Rod -
Trick by Santa Magic - 19.95

Display a rod with the words naughty and nice on both sides of the rod. Place the rod in your hand and have the child touch the back of your hand....

Buddha Okito Box (Quarter or Half Dollar) Trick
Buddha Okito Box (Quarter or Half Dollar)
Trick by Chazpro, Santa Magic and The Magic Store - From $44.95

Make coins vanish or penetrate through a examinable brass box with the "Professional Buddha Okito Box", the ultimate choice in premium coin...

Buddha Box Shimmed Lid (Half Dollar) Accessory
Buddha Box Shimmed Lid (Half Dollar)
Accessory by Chazpro and Santa Magic - 39.95

A specially-designed shimmed lid created exclusively for the "Buddha Okito Box" or "Buddha Slot Box". This shimmed lid can...

The Ultimate Matchbook set Match-Out and Magicians Matches Trick
The Ultimate Matchbook set Match-Out and Magicians Matches
Trick by Santa Magic - 22.50

Magician's Matches and Match-out by Chuck Leach- re-released after over two decades! Magician's Matches is a pocket trick that is fast, visually...

Buddha Box Plug Accessory
Buddha Box Plug
Accessory by Chazpro, Santa Magic and The Magic Store - From $31.95

"Professional Buddha Box Plug" offers a surprise finish to your Buddha Box routine. Switch it with your normal Buddha Box and and your...

Gemini Ring (Brass) Trick
Gemini Ring (Brass)
Trick by Chazpro and Santa Magic - 39.95

Perform your favorite ring off rope effects with this clever variation of the classic Ellis Ring. There are a variety of amazing ways to use...

The Vault (Large Professional Edition) Trick
The Vault (Large Professional Edition)
Trick by Chazpro, Santa Magic and The Magic Store - 179.95

Finally available again after nearly 20 years, "The Vault" by Chazpro has been reproduced in limited quantities by The Magic Store and...

Penny Tube Trick
Penny Tube
Trick by Santa Magic - 50.00

This is a twist on the classic coin tube. You pull apart two halves of a tube, place a coin in the middle, and reassemble the tube. The coin now...