Magic DVD - page 24

World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls
DVD by Various - $19.95 or download for $15.00

You'll find a sponge ball routine in almost every close-up performer's repertoire and in this volume, you'll discover a virtual encyclopedia of...

World's Greatest Magic - Linking Rings DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Linking Rings
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $15.00

In this volume, you'll discover the Linking Rings, one of magic's most enduring classics. For centuries, magicians have charmed, baffled and...

World's Greatest Magic - Cups and Balls 2 DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Cups and Balls 2
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $20.00

What can one say about the Cups and Balls? It's an iconic trick and has become almost as synonymous with the conjurer's art as the proverbial...

World's Greatest Magic - Cups and Balls 3 DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Cups and Balls 3
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $20.00

What can one say about the Cups and Balls? It's an iconic trick and has become almost as synonymous with the conjurer's art as the proverbial...

World's Greatest Magic - Color Changing Deck DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Color Changing Deck
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $20.00

One of the key elements that makes magic entertaining is that of surprise, and one of the ways that magicians have accomplished that over the...

World's Greatest Magic - Anniversary Waltz DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Anniversary Waltz
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $20.00

Michael Ammar once wrote that one of the principles key to making a magic effect memorable to an audience is to alter an object magically and...

World's Greatest Magic - Ring Flight DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Ring Flight
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $20.00

Though conjuring effects with finger rings have been part of the conjuring literature for quite some time, it was British magician/mentalist Al...

World's Greatest Magic - Cannibal Cards DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Cannibal Cards
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $20.00

Seven legendary magicians join forces to bring you a masterclass on one of the most iconic plots in magic. Since being developed by Lin Searles in...

World's Greatest Magic - Three Card Monte 1 DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Three Card Monte 1
DVD by Various - $19.95 or download for $19.95

Games of chance have a rich and colorful history, but perhaps the most famous - and notorious - of them all is the simple three-in-one...

World's Greatest Magic - The Classic Force DVD
World's Greatest Magic - The Classic Force
DVD by Various - $20.00 or download for $20.00

The concept of forcing a playing card - to cause a spectator to choose a specific card while apparently giving him a completely free choice - has...

World's Greatest Magic - Gambling Routines DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Gambling Routines
DVD by Various - $19.95 or download for $19.95

People always ask magicians if they're banned from casinos or exclaim that they wouldn't want to play cards with the performer. To laypeople,...

World's Greatest Magic - Oil & Water DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Oil & Water
DVD by Various - $19.95 or download for $19.95

The basic plot of the card effect that we know today as Oil and Water can be traced back to the 1940s and a Walter Gibson trick from the pages of...

World's Greatest Magic - Tenkai Pennies DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Tenkai Pennies
DVD by Various - $19.95 or download for $19.95

Of the many varied plots in coin magic, the ones that seem to most intrigue creators and performers the most involve coins that travel invisibly...

The Grid DVD
The Grid
DVD by Richard Wiseman - 35.00

One of the hits of the 2012 EMC convention: a magic square routine by Richard Wiseman using a deck of cards. In effect, a spectator...

Completing the Cut DVD
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Completing the Cut
DVD by Ryan Schlutz - 24.50 - normally $35.00

Ryan Schlutz is turning heads with his creative, thoughtful brand of card magic. We are pleased Ryan has worked with us on his first DVD collection,...

The Quest for Mastery DVD
The Quest for Mastery
DVD by Michael Vincent - 80.25

On this new 4-Disc DVD Michael Vincent brings his passion for magic and his expert showmanship to a brand new level. This project explores how...

Modern Intricacies DVD
Modern Intricacies
DVD by Magical Sleight - 30.00

Yoann Fontyn's new DVD featuring 15 tricks and routines that he devised over the years. A unique take on modern card-magic: some could call these...

Woodyland DVD
DVD by Woody Aragon - 150.00

Woody Aragón has a remarkable mind. He creates self-working miracles with cards. Routines that are baffling, entertaining and award-winning. For...

Drop'N DVD
DVD by Mike Eaton - 29.95

"Michael Eaton is a creative guy with killer chops. Keep your eye on him!" Joshua Jay, Vanishing Inc. cofounder Mostly known for being...

Confessions Of A Needle Swallower DVD
Confessions Of A Needle Swallower
DVD by Steve Spill - 50.00

For over 25 years Steve Spill has been amazing audiences worldwide with his fantastic version of the classic Needle Swallowing act. The act is...

Fan2c DVD
DVD by Paul Wilson - 20.00

Imagine you're holding a lousy poker hand. The cards are spread at your fingertips. Now, in a subtle action of riffling the edges of the cards,...

The Bumblebees  DVD
The Bumblebees
DVD by Woody Aragon - 35.00

An Award Winning Routine! This is the comedy card routine that helped Woody Aragón win first prize at the International Day of Magic in London,...

The Perfect World DVD
The Perfect World
DVD by Mago Migue - 35.00

MagoMigue's rendition of the Paul Curry classic takes it into new territory. Four spectators shuffle a deck of cards and without looking at the...

Basic Coin Magic - Volume 1 (David Stone) DVD
Basic Coin Magic - Volume 1 (David Stone)
DVD by David Stone - 35.00

A complete course for beginners, amateurs and professionals. Nine full routines you can use in real-world and professional conditions. More than 15...

Sankey-tized Volumes 1 & 2 DVD
Sankey-tized Volumes 1 & 2
DVD by Jay Sankey - 29.95 each

Jay Sankey has created some of the world's most inventive close-up magic. This DVD features many routines using ordinary objects like cards,...

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Top Magic DVDs

Magic on Tap
Denis Behr is a superb card magician--one of the world's finest by any measure. He...
The Meridian Technique
The Meridian Technique will help you create a lasting...
The Show
Many magicians recognize the power of a memorized deck, but in The Show,...
Super Strong Super Simple
This is, perhaps, the best collection of easy-to-do,...
Card magic downloads