Parlor and stage magic - page 31

Evaporating Milk Bottle Trick
Evaporating Milk Bottle
Trick by Unknown - 17.25

The magician shows a milk bottle full of milk. Picking up a sheet of newspaper from a table, he forms it into a cone and purse almost all the...

The Polka Dot Silk Trick
The Polka Dot Silk
Trick by Dominique Duvivier - 59.00

The magician presents both sides of a big black silk with white polka-dots. He shakes the silk and the polka-dots fly away. The silk turns entirely...

A Trip to Cancun Trick
A Trip to Cancun
Trick by Twister Magic - 85.00

Make any signed card travel to Cancun in a very sensual way with this comedy routine, a version of which was performed by David Copperfield on one...

The Rings DVD
The Rings
DVD by Chris Capehart - 24.95

Chris Capehart has been dubbed "The Ring Master" for good reasons. Chris's three-ring routine, which he perfected in 1981, has been acclaimed by...

R & B Phenomena DVD
R & B Phenomena
DVD by Inaki Zabaletta - 39.95

The Parlor & Stage version of "Out of This World" Without any doubt Paul Curry's "Out of This World" is one of all time's greatest...

Big Bang Trick
Big Bang
Trick by Chris Smith - 70.00

Big Bang is the ultimate exploding light bulb. As of June 2009, we're happy to release the latest version of this heart-stopping...

Watch Bandit Magic download (video)
Watch Bandit
Magic download (video) by Kevin King - 9.95

Magic's greatest performers, from Blackstone to Carlyle, cemented their considerable reputations by making the watch steal an integral part of their...

Taped! Magic download (video)
Magic download (video) by Steve Bedwell - 14.95

In 1994, England's Steve Bedwell made the trip to Orlando, Florida to compete in the Close-Up competition. When the dust settled, not only had Steve...

Tabary Elegant Rope Magic (Volumes 1 & 2) DVD
Tabary Elegant Rope Magic (Volumes 1 & 2)
DVD by Francis Tabary - 29.95 each

From France comes F.I.S.M. World Champion, Francis Tabary-the greatest Rope Magician in the world! Tabary's innovative effects, methods, and...

Coin Thru Nose Gimmicked coin
Coin Thru Nose
Gimmicked coin by Tyler Sutter - 35.00

A coin is marked for identification, paced on the tongue, swallowed, and moments later, to your audiences shock and delight, the coin is pulled right...

O.R.C. Jumbo Trick
O.R.C. Jumbo
Trick by Taiwan Ben - 249.95

O.R.C. JUMBO is the ULTIMATE in Stage Rising Card Effects! The most versatile method that has ever produced! Absolutely NO hook ups what so ever!...

Razor Blade Magic DVD
Razor Blade Magic
DVD by James Coats and Nicholas Byrd - $29.95 or download for $29.95

This DVD will show you, step-by-step, how to safely manipulate razor blades to give your routine the edge it needs. Effects Included:...

No Props Needed DVD
No Props Needed
DVD by James Coats - $19.95 or download for $19.95

Have you ever been caught without cards, coins, or props? This DVD will show you how to perform magic using only your body. Join world re-known...

World's Greatest Magic - The Card Through Handkerchief DVD
World's Greatest Magic - The Card Through Handkerchief
DVD by Various - $19.95 or download for $19.95

The Card Through Handkerchief is one of card magic's most popular plots mostly because of the very strong effect that's created by relatively simple...

World's Greatest Magic - Thread Magic DVD
World's Greatest Magic - Thread Magic
DVD by Various - $19.95 or download for $19.95

"Those effects in which an inanimate object moves without any visible cause are perhaps the most mysterious and effective in all magic. Such a trick...

Let's Get Flurious Magic download (video)
Let's Get Flurious
Magic download (video) by Gary Kurtz - 14.95

Flurious is an intensive new instructional download from Gary Kurtz. The magic is original and of the highest quality in every respect. Gary is a...

Zero Elements DVD
Zero Elements
DVD by Juan Esteban Varela - 59.00

Juan Varela presents his magic with 'ZERO elements': not a single piece of paper, neither a coin nor a match.With ZERO you will have the power...

Solari's Miser Miracle Trick
Solari's Miser Miracle
Trick by Bob Solari - 29.95

Supplied with a stainless steel mini coin pail, a giant size half dollar coin 3" in diameter and a normal half dollar incorporated into a special...

No Smoking - Volumes 1 & 2 DVD
No Smoking - Volumes 1 & 2
DVD by Royal Liu - 29.95 each

Across these two DVDs, you will learn productions, vanishes and flourishes. From those new to cigarette magic to those already with a grounding,...

Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Volume 3 DVD
Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Volume 3
DVD by Tom Mullica - $30.00 or download for $30.00

Vol.3 - Nicotine Nincompoop! Rings From Pack Twisted Cigarette Two Cigarettes From One Cigarette Thru Quarter Torn...

Razors Magic download (video)
Magic download (video) by Will Stelfox - 24.00

Razors brings shock magic to the stage. Whether you want to open your show with a bang or end your show by leaving your entire audience...

Celebration Of Sides Magic download (video)
Celebration Of Sides
Magic download (video) by Robert Neale - 14.95

Celebration of Sides will expose you to many unusual facets of the unique Robert Neale. Meet Neale the Topologist, the Artist, the...

Candles! DVD
DVD by Michael Lair - $30.00 or download for $30.00

The creator of Fantasio candle effects Spitfire, Firefall, and Candle Rewind gives you the following exciting routines on this tape: ...

Fly By Night DVD
Fly By Night
DVD by Chris Randall - $25.00 or download for $25.00

Looking for a way to stop a crowd ? Then look no further. The ultimate work on the floating spinning card. This effect has...

Magic of the Pendragons (4 DVD Set) DVD
Magic of the Pendragons (4 DVD Set)
DVD by Jonathan Pendragon and Charlotte Pendragon - $29.95 or download for $35.00 each

Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the...

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Parlor & Stage Magic Best Sellers

Cylinder and Coins
Joshua Jay has rebuilt one of the greatest close up magic...
Before We Begin
Asi Wind is a shining light in our industry, and his first book, Repertoire, was a true...
Socks by Michel Huot
Doing unusual things with unusual props is a guaranteed way...
Magic Squared
Andi Gladwin's highly acclaimed close-up and parlor masterpiece takes the classic Magic...
Collard 2
“Collard 2” is a solid, audience tested, five to 15-minute comedy routine that is great...
Make any small object appear inside of a sealed envelope with “Envelock”. Blake Vogt is...
Rubiks Cube Magic