Exclusive magic tricks

At Vanishing Inc. Magic we are proud to produce great magic. Every trick, book and DVD is released under the watchful eye of cofounders, and professional magicians Andi Gladwin and Joshua Jay.

Toss Out Change Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Toss Out Change
Magic download (video) by Hudson Taylor - 12.00

Wait, what??? Watch this trailer and that is exactly what you'll say to yourself. It's what both of us said when we saw it. A card is displayed face...

Sharp This Trick
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Sharp This
Trick by David Bonfadini - 24.95

"Sharp This" is a custom-altered Sharpie that allows you to draw a line on anything or anyone, and then magically make it vanish. Draw on your own...

The Meridian Technique Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Meridian Technique
Magic download (video) by Mark Elsdon - 48.00

The Meridian Technique will help you create a lasting impression that will keep audiences talking about you and your magic for years to come. It...

Turnaround Swivel Pass Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Turnaround Swivel Pass
Magic download (video) by Dan Fleshman - 12.00

Dan Fleshman is a seasoned veteran in magic. He has made his living from close-up magic for more than thirty years, and he was one of OUR early...

Phantom Deck Trick
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Phantom Deck
Trick by Joshua Jay - 29.95

Imagine at the end of your close-up performance, you cause every card in the deck to turn TOTALLY TRANSPARENT...in the SPECTATOR’S HANDS! Imagine no...

Pure Imagination Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Pure Imagination
Magic download (video) by Scott Robinson - 12.00

IMAGINE causing a card to disappear SLOWLY and VISUALLY. IMAGINE performing the vanish with just three cards. IMAGINE doing it with no gaffs....

Simple Collectors Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Simple Collectors
Magic download (video) by Peter Pellikaan - 9.54

This is called "Simple Collectors." Well, it looks simple anyway. It is a stunning, clean version of the Collectors plot, with a typically clever...

Pellikaan's Oil & Water Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Pellikaan's Oil & Water
Magic download (video) by Peter Pellikaan - 7.14

This is a smart, judicious use of standard and original moves, and the result is a highly deceptive two-phase version of the classic Oil & Water...

Pellikaan's Hole Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Pellikaan's Hole
Magic download (video) by Peter Pellikaan - 8.34

This amazing creation and vanish of a large hole in a playing card is one of Peter's most popular effects and has caused quite a stir on the...

4 Cards Again Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive 4 Cards Again
Magic download (video) by Peter Pellikaan - 10.74

Don't get distracted in the beginning by a fairly standard twisting-style effect...the ending is just FUBAR. Peter Pellikaan FOOLED US AGAIN! ...

Crosses Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Crosses
Magic download (video) by Peter Pellikaan - 7.14

This strange packet effect from the unusual internet sensation Peter Pellikaan has a bit of a wild card feel, as well as a "Printing" phase. But...

Pellikaan Package Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Pellikaan Package
Magic download (video) by Peter Pellikaan - 30.00

It's fair to say Peter Pelikaan is an internet sensation. His face never appears in his videos, they look homemade, his voice is rough, and his...

Impromptu Duo Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Impromptu Duo
Magic download (video) by Caleb Wiles - 12.00

We're avid followers of Caleb Wiles. Josh published his first original routine in MAGIC, and Vanishing Inc. Magic published his first book, DVD, and...

Two Incredible Moments Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Two Incredible Moments
Magic download (video) by Bebel - 9.59

For us, Bebel is the unsung hero of card magic. His magic is as poetic as his life, and he should be mentioned alongside Rene Lavand, Ricky Jay, and...

Klink Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Klink
Magic download (video) by Rune Klan - 12.00

Denmark's Rune Klan is back with an elegant coin sequence that is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for formal performances. He developed this routine to be...

Bizness download Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Bizness download
Magic download (video) by Bizau Cristian - 29.94

In this debut collection from Romania’s foremost card-star, Bizau (Biz, for short) spills ALL the secrets that have made him an internet sensation...

Bizness DVD
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Bizness
DVD by Bizau Cristian - $24.95 or download for $24.95

In this debut collection from Romania’s foremost card-star, Bizau (Biz, for short) spills ALL the secrets that have made him an internet sensation...

Fingertip Miracle Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Fingertip Miracle
Magic download (video) by Alex Linian - 12.00

Ed Marlo created a stir with his Miracle Change, but again, the move is often bungled and rarely looks like it is meant to look: visual, with the...

One Hand Palm Change Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive One Hand Palm Change
Magic download (video) by Alex Linian - 12.00

One Hand Palm Change: Alex is known for his work on the one-hand top palm. Frankly, he does this important but troublesome sleight better than...

The Tokyo Tables Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Tokyo Tables
Magic download (ebook) by C. Golo Naito - 12.00

This is a very, very unusual and lovely ebook collection. C. Golo Naito is a German magician who lived in Japan for a period of years, and rose to...

Roulette Download Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Roulette Download
Magic download (ebook) by Christopher Rawlins - 18.00

This attractive ebook features nine effects from the creator of “Reveal.” We’re also proud to present this ebook, in the traditional style, without...

Calculated Chaos Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Calculated Chaos
Book by Chris Westfall - $20.00 or download for $15.00

When working professionals pour their hearts into their magic, we take notice. Chris Westfall is one of the best and busiest magicians in the...

Live at McSorely's DVD & props
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Live at McSorely's
DVD & props by Chris Westfall - 30.00

In this intimate DVD, Chris Westfall takes us on a tour of his residency venue in Toronto, the famous McSorley’s. There, he shares three of his most...

Father Alex on Hand Mucking Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Father Alex on Hand Mucking
Magic download (video) by Father Alex - 12.00

The HIT of this year's The Session was seeing Father Alex (a high-ranking Priest in Paris, who also happens to be a world expert in cheating...

Nukes Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Nukes
Book by Doug Edwards - $45.00 or download for $33.75

Doug Edwards is known throughout the world for his straightforward approach to card magic. You will find all sorts of surprises and gems with a pack...